
Dog Pose - The feeling of complete calm

When I first began studying yoga, I nearly fell out of my seat laughing when I saw a friend’s dog doing the yoga pose that I was learning as “Downward-Facing Dog.” yoga dog. 

It is natural for canines, dog lovers know—that post-nap stretch with the rump high in the air and paws outstretched in what looks like pooch heaven yoga downward dog. But it takes awhile for humans to befriend Ado Mika Saunas (AW-doth MOO-kA Shan-AH-Sa-NA), yoga dog a pose in which a lot is happening all at once yoga downward dog. 

How can you find Sikh (comfort or joy) in Down Dog? Yoga dog this is a worthy question, as it is not easy to escape this pose down dog yoga.  
It is part of Ukrainians (Sun Salutation) in most systems of hath yoga and a quintessential pose in Siena Yoga yoga downward dog.  
If you struggle with Down Dog, be compassionate and patient with yourself; you are not the first person with tight hamstrings or weak arms yoga downward dog. 

On the other hand, be diligent yoga downward dog. Ultimately, Down Dog will start to feel so good that you will really empathize with the full-body joy that dogs display while doing the pose yoga downward dog. 

Build a Good Foundation 
The first thing about Down Dog is learning to ritualistically place your hands in alignment with your shoulders and hips yoga downward dog.  
Typically, new students will have their arms too wide and their feet too close together down dog yoga.  
If your base is out of proportion, the pose becomes unstable, your joints stressed, and organs compressed. Come onto all fours. Place your knees right under your hips, making sure first that you have fully extended your spine. When you place your hands on your mat, shoulder-width apart, lightly spread your fingers, making sure your middle finger faces directly forward yoga downward dog.  
Really study your hands, and without tensing them, connect all of the joints of your fingers and your inner and outer palm into the earth yoga downward dog. 

As you lift your pelvis to the ceiling and draw your hips back, look at your feet yoga downward dog.  
They should be hip-distance apart, aligned with your pelvis. Beginners will often walk their feet towards their hands to prematurely bring their heels to the ground down dog yoga.  
Have patience, grasshopper yoga downward dog. Your heels may or may not touch the ground, but you want to feel that you have room to continuously grow in this pose yoga downward dog. 

Unify Opposites 
Down Dog very clearly puts you in touch with the inherent isometric or push-pull dynamics of yoga lasagnas, where a movement in one direction is balanced and enhanced by an action in the opposite direction down dog yoga.  
This has deep philosophical and spiritual significance, corresponding to the meaning of hath yoga as the union of the sun and moon, the masculine and feminine yoga downward dog. The practical benefit of this yogi principle is that in any pose, Down Dog included, you are simultaneously creating strength and flexibility, extension and stability yoga downward dog. 

What is the farthest vertical point from your hands in Down Dog? Your hips down dog yoga.  
What is the farthest point down from your hips? Your heels. Assume your Down Dog now and work those opposite points away from each other down dog yoga.  
Press into your hands and stretch your hips back from the tops of your thighs down dog yoga.  
Try to ground your heels. (Even if they don’t touch the floor, imagine roots growing from your heels down through the earth.) This movement starts to stretch your spine while evenly opening your hamstrings, hips, and shoulders, which leads us to a short tip regarding your weight—not how much you weigh but how you distribute what you’ve got yoga downward dog. 

Shift Your Weight Back yoga dog 
To get the blissful feeling and benefits of Down Dog, you need to shift your weight back into your hips down dog yoga.  
Again assume your best down dog yoga.  
This time bend your knees so that you can really stretch back into your hips by simultaneously pressing into your hands, extending your arms, and drawing your belly slightly in yoga downward dog. Imagine that someone is pulling back on your hips yoga downward dog. When you get that “Aha!” it will feel as if your weight is centered in your pelvis, and your arms will feel light. If your hamstrings are very tight, you may need to practice like this for a while, gradually straightening your legs as if a strong wind were pressing your thighs and shins back. You can also place a block between the middle of your inner thighs to learn how to work your legs and develop the inner rotation of the thighs yoga downward dog.  
Grip the block and press it back to feel greater extension in your spine yoga downward dog. 

yoga dog. 

Rotation, Rotation, Rotation 
Learning how to both internally and externally rotate your arms at the same time to connect to your inner wrist, open your shoulders, and broaden your upper back is a key Down Dog trick yoga downward dog.  
Start on your knees again with your hands in position yoga downward dog.  
Typically the inner wrists start to peel off the ground, causing stress on your joints and a subtle disconnection yoga downward dog. To ground through your inner wrist, internally rotate your arms towards each other from your elbows down yoga downward dog. Thanks to the anatomy of your arms, your upper arms are naturally going to move in the opposite direction (external rotation) yoga downward dog.  
To witness how this happens naturally, when you press back into Down Dog, bend your elbows to the side in a diamond shape down dog yoga.  
Now rotate your elbows under and straighten your arms, maintaining the internal rotation from your elbow to your inner wrist yoga downward dog. You should feel your shoulders broadening yoga downward dog. 

If this seems confusing, just try rotating your arms in the opposite direction and see how compressed the area around your neck feels yoga downward dog.  
Are you starting to feel any Sikh arising as you find relief in your shoulders and neck yoga downward dog? 

Support and Release Your Neck yoga dog 
Often humans aren’t sure what to do with their necks in Down Dog yoga downward dog.  
Do you hold your neck up? Do you let it hang down to the floor? The general tip is to align the crown of your head with the natural line of your spine yoga downward dog.  
If you tilt the crown of your head up, you crunch your cervical vertebrae down dog yoga.  
Dropping your head forward gives you a nice stretch, but over time can stress your neck yoga downward dog. When you are in Down Dog, try aligning your ears with your upper arms down dog yoga.  
That should connect your head with your spine, simultaneously supporting your head while lengthening the sides of your neck yoga downward dog. 

Breathe, Relax, Enjoy the Ride 
Now is the time to breathe life and vitality into your Down Dog.  
On the inhalation, emphasize the broadening of your shoulders and extension through your arms to bring more space into your lungs down dog yoga.  
As you exhale, focus on the movement of your legs back and down through your shins and heels yoga downward dog.  
I have found this breath meditation in Down Dog to be very relaxing and powerful at the same time. As you relax, you will start to feel how nourishing this stretch is yoga downward dog.  
All of the actions of the pose and your strength and flexibility to maintain them will gradually become more and more natural. Dogs have excellent devotion and patience as well as genuine joie de vie down dog yoga. Think of a golden retriever in the back of a jeep with its hair blowing in the wind down dog yoga.  
See if you can bring that kind of receiving quality to Down Dog in the midst of its challenges down dog yoga. Most of all, enjoy the ride yoga downward dog down dog yoga. 

Shiva Rea teaches flow (Inuyasha) based yoga integrating alignment and intuition, strength and fluidity, meditation and wisdom in action at Yoga Works in Santa Monica, California, and UCLA’s World Arts and Cultures Program. She is the author of the home practice CD, Yoga Sanctuary, and leads workshops and adventure retreats worldwide

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