
Featured Video: A Gentle Yoga Class for a Week That is Less Than Gentle

Featured Video: A Gentle Yoga Class for a Week That is Less Than Gentle Bridget

by Bridget 

Wow, this week. Today is day 235 since we started sheltering in place here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Added to that, the time changed in the U.S. last weekend. Normally disorienting things—ones that happens in the course of a year—seem a bit unfair in a year like this, don't they? I find myself thinking, "Can't we just skip that this year?" And the U.S. election. Between checking the poll outcomes and checking in with friends, it's been challenging to make it onto my mat each day at all this last week. But gentle and restorative practices have been what's been keeping me coming back. I'll get back to strengthening next week.

On that note, here is a nicely organized gentle yoga practice, taught by our very own Barrie Risman. Give yourself 42 minutes to turn inward and check in with yourself as Barrie leads you through the practice. 

Barrie Risman has been teaching yoga for more than two decades, Barrie Risman shares the depth of her experience and knowledge to reveal a uniquely accessible, authentic and integrated approach to yoga. She empowers students with tools to deepen their understanding and inspires them to embrace asana as a path for expansive self-discovery and inner growth. Learn more about Barrie's book Evolving Your Yoga: Ten Principles for Enlightened Practice and her online classes at www.barrierisman.comDownload Barrie’s free Guide to Home Yoga Practice

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