
Autumnal Equinox - Do you need to equinox to Avoid ?

Autumn begins this Thursday, September 22 with the autumnal equinox!
Join us for a show that we welcome in the new season and everything
related to the movement of the sun to get the details.
To be exact, the northern hemisphere between Thursday morning
September 22, 2016, exactly at 10:21 EDT.
10:00 (EDT), a show equinox LIVE right on this page, courtesy of Sooth
observatory network will be issued. This program will be conducted by
live near our sun solar telescope observatory Sooth his badge at the
Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, and will feature views
of the Sun
live worldwide.
During transmission, the host Sooth Paul Cox, will be accompanied by
a number of invited experts, including Dr. Gail Higgins from the
of Adelaide in Australia. Dr. Higgins recently used innovative ways to
analyze large stone circles in Britain technologies, and a relationship
between them and the movement of the Sun and Moon was found.
For centuries, historians have believed the great stone circles found
around the world, in countries of Australia's famous Stonehenge in
the United States in England were built to mark the movement of the sun
at times like the solstice and equinox. Dr. Higgins will join the broadcast
to discuss his research, and that first got her started on the road test of
the reasons the old man.
Paul also be accompanied by Janice Tillman, editor of the Old Farmer's
Almanac. Janice discuss some of the beliefs and cultural traditions long
around the equinox. He will also be on hand to break the popular belief
that you can balance an egg on its end during the equinox.
SOOTH astronomer and editor of astronomy for The Old Farmer's Almanac,
Bob Berman, will join the show to break the bases of the equinox, and to
help the public understand why the day and night are not really equal,
why equinox this year is so late this year.
Join us Friday: 7:00 PDT | 10:00 EDT | 14:00 GMT.

WHAT IS autumn equinox?
The September equinox arrives every year, or 22, 23 or even 24,
depending on the schedule. This is the astronomical beginning of
autumn in the northern
hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere.
Equinox means "equal night"; day and night are the same length of
time. During equinox, the sun crosses what we call the "celestial
Ecuador" (imagine the line marking the Earth Ecuador stretching
skyward) from north to south. At this stage, the amount of night
and day are approximately equal.
Another definition of the fall is night temperatures below zero days
combined with temperatures below 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
From there, the temperatures begin to drop and the days begin to be
shorter than the nights (IE, the hours of daylight in decline).
It is the last heat of summer,
He is the first autumn chill: They meet.
Sarah Morgan Bryan Pitt
What's in store for the winter? Ask for a copy of the Old Farmer's
Almanac 2017!
Days and nights EQUALITY
Nights and days are not quite equal to the equinox, as in 12 hours of
daylight and 12 hours of night. The distribution may be a few
minutes. Why?
It depends on where you live. At the equinoxes, the Sun's center gets
only 12 hours after it rises. However, the day begins when the upper
edge of the sun reaches the horizon (which happens shortly before
increases center), and does not end until all the sunset. Not only that,
but the sun is actually visible when it is below the horizon, as the Earth's
atmosphere refracts sunlight and bends in an arc above the horizon.
According to our ancient astronomer, George Green stein, "If the Sun
were to be reduced to a star point and we lived in a world without air
equinoxes, spring and fall you really have" equal night ".
WHAT ARE INDICATED leaves falling
There is an old proverb that says the time .. "If autumn leaves are slow
to fall, to prepare for a cold winter" That means THAT leaves hanging on
the tree indicate a colder winter ahead Or maybe not he has had enough
windy days! But look on the bright side you look at the beautiful fall foliage
for a little longer. Learn why leaves change color in autumn.

Signs of Fall
In many parts of North America, the landscape explodes in silence with
vibrant colors of red, yellow and orange. The leaves begin to fall the trees,
which provides endless hours of jumping into leaf piles for children and
raking back up parents! Baseball season on the line, while the football
season is just warming up. Temperatures begin to fall, the nights are
getting longer, and all the forest creatures long-term storage in the winter.
How do you know that fall is coming? Share your comment below!
autumn days come quickly, like running a dog on the moor. -Irish proverb
Breaking trees and cracks in the fall indicate dry weather.
If the leaves fall in October, many of them wither on the branches and hang
in there, turn a cold winter and heavy snow.
spring rain muffles;
autumn rain soaks.
In the fall of wine, drink their fill; The frost is on the pumpkin, and snow is
on the hill.
'The Old Farmer's Almanac 1993
The fall led us in our summer clothes. Philip Larkin, a British poet (1922-1986)
See when each season begins.
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