
Bridge Pose - Most Important Words in fitness

The health benefits of Bandana Setup (Bridge Pose) 
Posted by: Enya January 21, 2011 in the news 

As you make attitude of the bridge, which will become more alert in the body and mind. This back flip rejuvenator open the chest and keep your spine flexible jump. While beginners can practice safely qualified professionals can still experience its many benefits. Setup Bandana also help to prepare for more intense back bends. 

This position is relatively simple and very stimulating. If you find it difficult to maintain the elevator in the pond, drag a block or strengthened under the sacrum and pelvis rest of it for support. But if you're looking to increase the stretch, lift your heels on the floor once in bridge pose and push the tailbone toward the pubis. Once the coccyx rose, stretching the heels on the floor. 

Getting into bridge pose: 

Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, palms down. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. Keep your feet hip width, parallel to each other, and as close to your buttocks as possible. At the same time, press your arms and feet on the ground and begin to lift your hips toward the ceiling. Try to distribute the weight evenly on the inside and outside of your feet. 

Now move your sternum toward the chin, keeping your chin up lightly to flatten the back of the neck. Sign the tailbone toward the pubis and slightly move your pubis toward the belly. To keep the extended lower back, keep your knees over ankles, perpendicular to the ground. Your buttocks should be firm, but not joined. 

Lift your hips as high as you possibly can without breaking position. If you have posture problems can now shake hands behind his back and strengthen your arms on the floor, shoulder blades moved downward along the spine. Hold for 5 to 15 breaths. 

To exit Pose bridge, the release of an exhalation, slowly turn the spine on the floor. 

Advantages bridge pose: 

Stretching the chest, neck, spine and hips 
Strengthens the back, buttocks and hamstrings 
Improves blood circulation 
It helps relieve stress and mild depression 
Calms the brain and central nervous system 
It stimulates the lungs, thyroid gland and abdominal organs 
improves digestion 
It helps relieve symptoms of menopause 
Reduced pain and headaches back 
Reduces fatigue, anxiety and insomnia 
Rejuvenates tired legs 
Relieves symptoms of asthma and hypertension 
Therapy for hypertension, osteoporosis and sinusitis 

Snoop Coacher, Capitan Foundation.A modern lifestyle, in most cases, is sedentary. We tend to get so caught up with our office work that physical activity often takes a back seat. time and even medical evidence shows the negative effects of sitting too long for our health and wellbeing. While we try to incorporate small changes like taking the stairs or eating healthy, which almost always gets back to the box at the time we lose motivation. Waking up this morning to run or even hit the gym after work seems much stretched.Yoga On the other hand, turns out to be a more convenient form of exercise. You can practice lasagnas everywhere - from community living space to park their colony. All you need is a mat in a position, unlike other practices where great importance is based on external weights or wear the right equipment. Yoga is about using your body weight against him in a process to make it more convenient, stronger, healthier and more flexible. To stretch and flex, breathe and hold it, it feels a sense of awareness, that awakens untapped energy in your body that was rusting (no break!) All these while.Long hours and "state to inactivity has led one of the greatest misfortunes of the health of this age. - back pain since I started working, I experienced back pain that keeps resurfacing occasionally sometimes changing the chair or the use of position. to sleep. I usually feel pain in the back of the neck and moving sometimes my diamond (a group of muscles of the upper back) .This article aims to address this severe back pain that can not l air to get rid of it. the above numbers can occur due to many factors, but in most cases, it is usually poor posture or lack of exercise of the spine that can trigger the problem. the answer to this discomfort in the back is a simple lasagna called Setup bridge pose or posture Bandhasana.Setu Adamant is great for strengthening the back. It also facilitates the accumulated tension in the muscles. "Setup Bandanas is an excellent attitude to melt stomach fat, and stretching your stomach muscles. The pose is ideal for people with thyroid. As chin and chest are locked, the Bandar of calendar (blocking chin) is activated. regulates the flow of blood and piranha (energy) in the heart, the glands in the neck and head, "said an expert yoga based in Delhi, Anjou Kaplan Vivacity gym. 

A photo published by Adeline (@yoga) July 13, 2016 at 21:58 PDT 
The advanced version: must be under supervision 
How to get in Pose. Lye on the mat with your back on the floor.2. Remove your feet inward toward the hips.3. Your feet should be parallel Other. Knees are not to be directed outward. 
5. Now lift your stomach goes toward the ceiling with back, hip and thighs.6. Chin and chest should locked.7. You can keep your hands on the side or engage them to support your back. You can also stretch your back and stretching. Inhale, hold, exhale down. breathe normally if the position is maintained for a long time. "An alternative could be obtained by taking the support of his elbow. The position also helps strengthen the shoulder and back muscles. If you want to take a step, try on one leg. You can play with the distance when you keep your feet to the easier or more intense posture. bridge pose is often made against the imposition Sisals (pear), Savannas (shoulder stand) and Alaskan (plow pose), "he said Kalhan.Benefits Setup Mrs. Snoop recommends pose Bandana bridge to be particularly beneficial for diseases of the spine and brain related. Regular practice can also help in the treatment of mood swings, depression, feeling of heaviness in the head, migraine and anxiety disorders, among others. When lifting your hips up, urinary tract and rectum is compressed. This completes alert certain regions in the brain. "When you practice this posture, lift the body with only his head and shoulders on the floor, which facilitates increased blood flow and oxygen to your brain through the spine, so it is beneficial for two . is one of the best poses to keep your spine and brain healthy, "he noted." Setup Bandana is useful in conditions such as herniated disco or upper / lower back pain, "shared Yogi Snoop. However, those who have suffered brain, back, neck, shoulder or spine surgery should avoid this posture completely. people with severe herniated disco or a diastolic blood pressure to 90 the number should not attempt this posture. "Test immediately after a glass of warm water will help in the treatment of constipation" Yogi shared Anoop.PawanmuktasanaExperts suggest alternating the bridge pose with wind relieving pose (also called Aquanauts) to obtain the maximum benefit for the problems of the spine and back related fields. "Each posture should be followed by its counter pose for better results," Mr. Snoop shared. 

However, while Aquanauts with Setup Bandana, make sure your head rests on the floor. "By lifting the head while trying, for the relief of wind, pressure is diverted to the neck. While doing this with the bridge pose, his focus is on his back and spine, so that his head should remain on the ground ", experts Anoop.According Yogi raises when done in isolation will lead to that when carried out in conjunction with other positions to point to a body part. While Setup Bandana and its counter poses Aquanauts (pose relieve wind) could help strengthen the back, it should also be combined with other lasagnas advice from your instructor.Disclaimer yoga: the opinions expressed in this article are the personal views of the author. HDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability or validity of any information on this article. all information in an immediately provided. information, facts or opinions in the article do not reflect the views of HDTV and HDTV are not responsible for it. 
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