Half Frog Pose - New Ways to and good health

Half Frog Pose (Ada Headsman) is a pose is one of the positions most difficult and challenging yoga. This approach has many variations and is why it is also known as Manuals. 

When practiced, this posture resembles a frog, hence the name given to this yoga pose. Half Frog Pose is an installation intermediate and can be changed depending on the level of the person practicing. 

Steps : 

Lying on your stomach. 
Press your arms on the floor. 
Now, lift your torso and head. 

BD right knee while the heel is moved to the right buttock. Place your right hand back and keep the foot. Your palms should rest against the top of his foot. The fingers should point in the same direction as the toes. 
Turn the elbow so that the roof faces. 
Now press the foot toward the buttocks - as much as possible and as comfortable as it can become just by doing this. If you feel pain in the knee or hip while doing so, reduce the amount of weight is placed on the foot. 
Adjust your shoulders and keep still. Instead of support from your side, you can use the forearm and elbow to support your car. 
Hold this position for one minute or at least five breaths. Release your foot and repeat the above steps with the left foot. 
Avoid the pose if you have a neck, shoulders or lower back injuries. 
People who suffer from migraines, hypertension, insomnia should avoid practicing this posture. 
As with all yoga postures, it is essential that your doctor's approval is obtained before attempting this pose. 
Tip for beginners: 
Beginners might find this difficult yoga pose to practice and should keep this advice for beginners Half Frog Pose in mind. Using a pillow while practicing this posture can help a beginner to achieve flexibility and strength required to perform this pose. The pillow should be placed under the lower ribs from the beginner, because it will help him / her to better lift the upper body. beginner free arm must be pressed on the floor in front of the propeller. 
To benefit Body Part: 
This position is good for your back, because it strengthens the back muscles. This helps to improve posture as well. 
hip and quadriceps stretches. 
It is a very good pose to rejuvenate joints such as the knee and quadriceps muscles pesos stretch in this pose. 
It improves digestion by stimulating the abdominal organs. 
This posture stretches the entire front and back of the body and strengthens joints and muscles throughout the body. 
throat, chest and abdomen, groin, thighs and ankles stretches. 
Therapeutic applications: 
It is especially beneficial for people who suffer or fallen arches or flat feet as you can stretch and strengthen these problem areas. 
Half the frog that arises is an energizer and helps to open the chest and heart. This in turn leads to an increased blood flow and full breaths. 
It also increases blood flow to the uterus and ovaries. 

Half Frog Pose,frog pose yoga,Half Frog Pose,frog pose yoga,Half Frog Pose,frog pose yoga,Half Frog Pose,frog pose yoga,Half Frog Pose,Half Frog Pose,frog pose yoga,Half Frog Pose,frog pose yoga,Half Frog Pose,frog pose yoga,Half Frog Pose,Half Frog Pose,

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