The Ideologies Of Functional Medicine Bay Area

By Jason Cox

The treatment of a disease involves various methods. A common method is the use of drugs where the doctors prescribe certain drugs to a patient. Functional medicine Bay Area is a kind of treatment that includes the participation of the physician as well as the patient. The doctors do not treat the disease alone but concentrate on the origin of that illness.

The primary theme of this approach is the reasons for the disease and not the ailment alone. It analyzes the reasons why a person has the disease and then finds the means of curing this disease. This method is systematic. The doctors spend most of their time with their patients and try to understand their life experiences, their histories and the kind of life they are currently living. Consider the following basics of functional treatment.

Every human being is unique. This is a primary principle that practitioners consider. Individuals are different by their genes as well as their biochemistry. Therefore, during the treatment, every patient in Bay Area is given individual attention that matches their being. The doctors consider the illness in a patient and apply the natural ways of healing.

It understands that every cell in the body is connected with another. This means that all cells work together to perform the overall function. The functioning of one cell influences another cell. Therefore if one cell fails, the other cells cannot operate properly. It is for this reason that the practice focuses on the whole being rather than particular parts of the body.

Prevention is better than cure. This is another principle that is important during this treatment. The doctors in this field teach their patients on how to prevent the diseases from attacking them. They not only provide the cure for an illness but also educate individuals on ways of taking care of their bodies and stopping diseases from attacking them. Specialists submit their patients with prevention measures that they use in their entire life.

There is the application of science. This approach incorporates biology and genetic science in comprehending how the environment as well as the life that the patient in Bay Area is living has resulted in the development of an illness. This system of treatment looks at the surroundings of a person and their lifestyle to understand the source of disease. The factors collected also assist in getting the cure.

The treatment depends on the natural mechanisms entirely. Practitioners comprehend the dangers of using drugs and their side effects. They, therefore, avoid using them. As if that is not enough, pharmaceuticals cannot be appropriate for long-term healing. They are used for short-term treatment only. Nonetheless, patients who require using medicines are given intense attention.

Although the doctor is involved during the therapy, this method puts the patients responsible for their healing. A physician assists a patient on gaining their health back. Individuals are made aware of the consequences of their actions towards their health. A patient is thus expected towards making their body whole again by engaging in positive activities.

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