Steps To Ensure Insulin Resistance Reversal

By Nancy Gibson

Most people take it that when the level of blood sugar is reduced this is a solution to diabetics and that it should be what people aim at achieving in the battle. This is not the case because it is but just a symptom that has resulted from insulin resulting from refined carbohydrates. Insulin resistance reversal can be achieved by consuming diet that is has the effect of balanced blood sugar.

You should eat a diet that is highly rich in whole foods containing fiber, vegetables, colorful rich fruits, low sugar, flour and glycemic load. These foods usually help in avoiding any reverse of insulin resistance and diabetes in the human body and turn the entire right gene message to promote metabolism, prevent aging and avoid ant heart diseases.

The meals have to be well checked where at specific times and in a certain manner should the different classes of food be consumed. In the morning whole proteins are best such as eggs, nut butters and proteins from soy, after every four hours you should eat something so that the level of glucose remains stable and when it comes to late meals they should be consumed two to three hours before going to bed.

Glycemic level should be put under control by having meals well combined such that you have fats, proteins, carbohydrates, legumes and vegetables and a snack or a fruit in every meal. It is also advisable to have organic products from animals whenever it is possible and in case one is traveling then its advisable to have almonds that can be eaten as fruits and the best way is to have real food.

Another important strategy that you can employ is to ensure that you supplement magnesium as much as possible, in your diet. Medics allege that magnesium deficiency, in many instances, causes hormone resistance in various ways. Relatively, a diet that is very rich in magnesium can greatly improve sensitivity, as well as reduce significantly the chances of suffering from diabetes. Magnesium can be found in foods such as legumes, green leafy vegetables, as well as nuts. However, the nutrient can be further supplemented.

There are medications that are very essential and although they have their effects their advantages outshine them. The biguanides, thiazolidenedione and the alphaglucisidase inhibitors are the most common. Other odder once include glyburide, glimepiride and glipizide. Though they are used they just reduce the effect in the short term but latter on the will worsen the situation.

Stress and depressions would also contribute significantly to imbalance of the blood sugar as they lead to weight gain, resistance to insulin, inflammation increase and eventually lead to diabetes. Engagement in certain healthy practices is important to avoid these challenges. For instance one could practice yoga, go to the gym, meditate, go for massage or guided imagery when feeling stressed out.

It is advisable to finish your meal two to three hours earlier before you retire to bed and also eat every four hours so that the glucose and insulin levels in your body will stay normal. For you to know that your blood sugar is not balanced you might experience since as sugar cravings, hunger pangs, anxiety, moodiness and a fasting insulin level.

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