Extended Side Angle Pose - How to good health?

Extended Side Angle Pose or Outhit Pervasions is a pose that stretches the body parts that are usually can not be stretched. The name of the lateral extension of the yoga pose angle measurement results, lateral and angular. 

This position is also considered one of the beginners who ask you to gradually helps your body get used to stretching and contorting yoga is. 

A frequent departures autumn this position when not done correctly, is that the front leg bent carries a lot of weight. Tips extended side angle pose says to balance the weight, the ribs can be done by placing your forearms on your thighs while taking this game pose.

Steps : 
Start with the mountain pose or Tradesman. This means that from the adjacent right foot with feet together and palms facing out. 
Exhale and spread your feet about three feet away. 
Lift arms parallel to the floor and the rest on its side. It stands with feet apart, broad shoulders and palms down with the palm down. 
Turn your left slightly left and right foot forward foot. 
Slowly turn the left thigh outward so that the center of the knee and ankle left foot are on the same line. 
Turn your hip slightly in the direction of the left leg, but keep your torso straight. 
Now inhale and slowly bend the left knee left ankle so that the shin is perpendicular to the ground. 
The left thigh is parallel to the ground. His right leg is straight and stretched from hip to ankle. 
Now, in this position, slowly extend your right arm over your head on the left side. The palm should be facing the floor and must be correct. The arm should also touch the right ear. 
Slowly turn your face towards the inside and see the palm. His other arm should touch the ankle of the left leg without leaning on the shoulder or ankle. The aim is to extend both the right as possible. 
While inhaling and exhaling, push the extended arm tightly to the ceiling. Do this a couple of times, then slowly return to the starting position. 
Now repeat that with the right leg. 
You avid doing this pose if some form of headaches, insomnia and other conditions related to high blood pressure or hypertension is treated. 
If you have problems with chronic neck pain or neck, you should skip the step of trying to look at the palm of his outstretched hand and just keep looking straight while the pose. 
Tips for Beginners: 
Beginners may have trouble doing this pose. Here are some tips for beginners Extended side angle pose. Until you get used to it, you may not be able to balance on his heels and touch an ankle while extending the other side. Try using a wall for support. At first, you may not be able to even touch the ankle or on the floor with ease. Using the thigh support or have a block next to his foot and touch what I start. Once you get flexible schedules to do the poses as needed. 
The benefits for body parts: 
many areas, helping legs, groin, chest, lungs, ankles, spine, shoulders and abdomen covered. 
This pose strengthens the knees, ankles and legs as the muscles in the groin, abdomen, lungs, chest and waist stretches. 
It increases endurance, but stimulation of the abdominal organs. 
Therapeutic applications: 
It is known to help with infertility, constipation, osteoporosis, lower back and chronic back pain, pain during menstruation and even a cure for the painful inflammation of the sciatic nerve. 
The goal of any pose in yoga is slowly balance all body systems, including the elimination of toxins and stiffness. 
The lasagna or posture is to improve this part of the body to its full capacity to work, so in this pose with all this extends to all muscles strong hips and spine bearing also be stretched. 
Usually, these muscles are not stretched so deep that stretching is very beneficial for the health of muscles. 
Use of the wall is one of the variants side extended exposure angle. 
You can also use your arm bent at the knee and ankle instead of his hand. This will help stretch the groin and inner thigh at a higher level. 
You can even use accessories like belts to make this pose intense. 
Often working with a partner can help make this much better posture. 
You can connect your feet or thigh, for better support and ensure correct posture. 
When folded strap allows your partner to balance the weight properly. 
As the placement of each beginner, it is also important to learn first with an instructor and get right. Once you feel comfortable with it, you should try to do it alone. 

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