Handstand -

In yoga Ado Mika Arkansan is also known as the pear by leaning or tree pose. In this lasagna yoga, a support portion entire body weight. 

Although this is not a very easy for beginners, who can control with regular practice lasagna. It is therefore desirable that the practice of this lasagna beginners under the guidance of a trained expert yoga so that falls and injuries are avoided. 
Points anatomical discussion of yoga headstand is the pituitary gland, brain, shoulders, arms, wrists, legs, lungs and spine. This raises total balance arm is useful to open the shoulders and the development of the wrist and arm strength. Both adults and children can perform this posture. However, while the pine that children should always be supervised by adults or trained teachers who can teach them the correct technique to get into this position is performed. 

Steps : 
Some of the main handstand tips to consider for adults and children are: 
Try to practice this pose against a wall at first so that the correct body position is obtained and learns to balance without falling. 
Get a good kick to get into this position. 
Keep your fingers spread on the floor so that a good grip for the job is obtained. 
Lock your elbows well so that it can support the weight of the entire body. 
Keep your legs and tight ass with fingers pointing upwards. 
Following these simple tips, you can master this yoga posture with regular practice. 
At the base Ado Mika Arkansan or pear, you should keep the body upright with outstretched legs up and hands outstretched to support the weight of the body. The basic steps for performing handstand this Lasagna are: 
First, enter the Ado Mika Saunas or downward facing dog pose with fingers a few inches away from a wall and hands at shoulder width. Keep your palms open and flat on the mat or on the floor with fingers full extent. 
Exhale normally, start slowly bend your knees and lift your legs to balance on the toes. This will prepare you to bounce up. 
While inhaling, jump and slowly raise both legs off the floor, so that the full weight of the body is now only in your hands. Her hips arched over the shoulders while doing this. 
Keeping the arms straight, the back of the pelvis and feet on the wall. Body weight should be in pressing the palms. 
As you exhale, stretch your legs against the wall while looking down toward the nose. 
Hold this position for at least 5-10 full breaths then slowly release. 
From this lasagna it is not very easy to get, especially for beginners, some support invested precautions to consider. These postures hands stop requires good balance arm and, therefore, to begin practice with the support of a wall to prevent spillage and injuries. 

Practice this position only 3-4 times at first, until the force increases shoulders. 
Pregnant women and menstruating should avoid all perform this lasagna. 
People with existing shoulder, back and neck injuries or suffer from problems such as high blood pressure, heart problems and headaches should also avoid this lasagna. 
Tips for Beginners: 
It is difficult for most beginners to keep their right to perform this posture elbows and, therefore, they can try buckling a belt and a loop over the arm above the elbow. Extend your arms out to shoulder width and adjust the strap for a snug fit around the outside of the arm. The trick of this beginner pear help make this better and easier stance. 
The benefits for body parts: 
Strengthens the arms, wrists and shoulders, making them more agile and flexible. 
It helps increase endurance and overall body balance. 
Improves circulation of blood throughout the body. 
so it is stretching the abdominal muscles and is beneficial in reducing belly fat when practiced regularly. 
In addition to the physical benefits of this lasagna, one of the main therapeutic applications pear arises is that calms the brain and can actually help relieve mental stress and mild depression. There are other variants of this position, which also have a number of health benefits. 
Pine half Pose (Ada Ado Mika Arkansan) is one of the most common variants attitude stop hands. The steps to perform this variation poses are as follows: 
From hands and knees, rotate your body weight forward while bringing your forearms on the mat and lifting the hips. 
Keep fingers closed, with open palms and place them in front of you. Body weight should be distributed evenly on the feet, calves and forearms. 
While roll the body forward, put his head in his palms while pressing the shoulder blades down and slightly away from the ears. 
Lengthen the spine to round the tip of the tailbone so that all the weight of the press corps on the forearm. 
Now knuckles and raise hips off the floor so that the body is in an inverted V-like. Continue to lengthen the body towards the ceiling and remain in this position for at least 1-2 minutes. This ends the position of the half headstand. 
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