Revolved Triangle Pose - Reach to relax to full extent

Rotated Triangle combines two different dynamic energies: Rooting on the floor with legs and sending energy, or piranha, through the arm. The pose is a classic representation of what Paternal Yoga Sutra in, described as the union of shiraz and Sikh-effort and ease, hard and soft, expanding and contracting, rising and falling, and the solar and lunar.

Unite the opposing forces is a practical ability to cultivate and practice: Life often requires finding a balance between two conflicting desires degrees, for example, finding love and maintaining independence, or building a career as be devoted father and participation therefore evolving at the same time.

You might think Parietal Tritons (Revolved Triangle Pose) it has to do with the pair, but once it reaches the floor, she realizes that it is also a posture of delicate balance you feel completely safe and comfortable, if you know how use your legs and core muscles support. When the alignment is correct, the posture can create the strength and flexibility in the hamstrings and establish balance, both physically and energetically. You can generate a foxily of mind and a sense of freedom. As you take a role on the ground (or block), and reach the other to heaven, you will realize stability and are able to maintain their position while dropping both this morning and mystery.

In twirled triangle, the spine parallel to the ground and the arm is perpendicular descent. With the foreleg, the three lines of the body form a stable right angle triangle-shaped, in good structural condition. This means that no lateral bending or lateral bending in this position. If you are tight in the hamstrings and hips so, and if you feel pressured by your own ego (or teacher), you can easily lose balance and critical extension in the spine as you try to put your hand in the floor and turning open in the full expression of the pose. You will end up leaning forward on the back instead of the hips, the loss of stability of the base and grounded in the legs, and even pushing the edges of the vertebral discos are designed to divide the vertebrae. repetitive bending and torsion tablet without chest lifted and a long spine can cause back injuries in the time it takes months or years to recover.

To practice security postures, you should be aware of the flexibility of the hamstrings and set with accessories and a modified position so that tight or too loose () Keep your spine muscles remain parallel to the ground. hamstrings are common, running, biking, and sitting at a desk all day, but could also have the opposite problem: students with long legs and flexible hamstrings always take a position that is too short for their height and that when immersed in the pose, their heads hang below his hips, removing all angles and rotated stability of the base of the triangle.

Parietal Tritons be carried out in stages. Two preliminary positions, Ender sisals (Head-to-Knee Pose) and III (Marihuana Pose March), will help you become familiar with the hamstring flexibility, isolate before bending and twisting, and prepare for a healthy environment, Triangle safe revolution.

Step 1: Ender Sisals


1. Sit up Bandsman (Staff Pose) with both legs stretched out in front of you. If the backboards pond and are not at right angles because of hamstring, place a folded blanket under your hips.

2. Bend your left knee and bring the bottom of his left foot against your right thigh.

3. Keep the right leg with toes and the ball up and hired quads. This protects you from overuse, and tells the hamstrings (the opposing muscle) is right to relax and stretch. If the joints are hyper mobile do hyperextension of the knee.

4. Exhale and reach your left hand to his right foot, moving in a little twist to the right. If you have dropped the chest to get his foot, which has lost the extension of the spine, so keep it in position around the calf or thigh instead, or use a strap around the extended foot.

5. Take your right hand with the left and the center of his chest on his right thigh. Both shoulders and both sides of his chest should be equidistant from the floor.


1. Inhale and lift from the waist to the shoulders.

2. Exhale and bend your elbows to pull your foot or leg, with the participation of the biceps. Push the chest forward and move the ribs back to the front of the body to bring more length in the spine and lower back.


1. Feel the hamstring muscles lengthen and twist your mid-back.

2. Hold for several breaths, then switch sides.

Step 2: Configure Marihuana III

1. Sit in Bandsman.

2. Bring your right knee to your chest and bring your heel on the floor in front of the right buttock. Keep shin perpendicular to the ground.

3. Keep the foot parallel to, and the width of the palm of the left thigh.

4. Hug your right shin with both hands to lift more the torso. If the hamstrings are tight and lean back, use a blanket.


1. Inhale and slide the left leg forward a few inches. This helps you start the rotation of the pelvis and lower back instead of the middle of the back and shoulders.

2. Exhale, turn slightly to the right, and the pillar behind you with your right hand.

3. Inhale, pull your belly, lift your chest, wrapping his left elbow around the shin, then exhale and pull deeper into the twisting, looking over his right shoulder. Keep your spine straight.

4. Push the knee in his arms, so you can not sink in the middle.


1. Relax your shoulders and take several deep breaths.

2. Pull down and do the other side. Lengthen your spine as you turn on the lower back and through.

Step 3: Parietal Tritons

1. Tradesman, take your feet 3-4 feet away. Keep them in parallel.

2. Turn 90 degrees right foot and left foot 30 degrees.

3. Inhale and bring your arms to the sides, parallel to the floor.

4. Exhale and twist your torso to the right until your hips are facing their right foot. If the hips are tight, you may need to tilt the back foot more.

5. On your next exhalation, bend forward and place one hand on each side of his right foot. If you can not reach the floor with legs stretched and a long spine, use blocks.

6. Move the left hip slightly forward and down and right hip slightly back and up. Distribute your weight evenly on both feet, pushing against the ground and begin to move more weight on his left hand.

7. Inhale and reach your right arm toward the ceiling, roll open the chest and torso.


1. Keep your chest lifted, spine parallel to the ground, stacked shoulders and strong legs, hired quads.

2. If you are flexible, take your left hand on the outside of his right foot.

3. Press the floor with your left hand to achieve more with the right.

4. Look at your right hand, keeping the head aligned with the spine and keep the length of your torso.


Take several breaths, then slowly push the standing position and repeat on the other side.
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