Scale Pose - The feeling of complete calm

Oarsman or scale is a balance poses session weapons is often practiced in Ashton yoga. Basically, a Lotus installation Oarsman rises. 

So to achieve this position, you must first be able to get lotus. If you can not reach the full lotus, you can take a position with crossed legs in place. This variation is a delicate touch is required because flexors much stronger hip.

Note: If you have knee problems, neck pain or shoulder injuries, do not try oarsman. 

This lasagna is super big to strengthen the core and learn to participate Bandar. You will need badass like crazy in this pose! Mulan Bandar and Diana Bandar in particular oarsman be exercised during practice. 

In preparation for oarsman, make sure the hips are open and ready for Lotus. warm abs and hip flexors with Nava and Curve. Heat shoulders and core advance by taking some Inuyasha poses and costumes more tables. 

How to do 

Enter oarsman is quite simple: Take lotus position, hands down, lift. 

Let's break it down a little further: 

Sit on the Tata. 
Make your way in lotus pose (or cross-legged) 
Place your hands on the mat beside hips. Pinch wide and wrists folds forward. 
As you exhale, press on the floor, spread your shoulder blades away from each other, trying to expand the upper trapeziums muscle. 
Mulan Bandar participate and start lifting the front legs 
Diana participate Bandar lower abdominal and dig up 
As you exhale, he stands on the floor to take a deep breath as the air stabilizes. Exhale slowly again. 
Try to hold for 3-5 breaths, then release. 

Tips and Modifications 

For installation of a perfect or Oarsman scale you must open the hips enough to get into lotus. All seating positions in the first series of Ashton Yoga is useful. Moreover, the dove, a wood fire and Compass also poses poses help prepare lotus hips. 

Feeing because it can not possibly get off the ground? Do not worry, this is common. Sometimes it feels like our arms are too short or stick is too heavy. You if you persist. 

However, if you continue struggling with Oarsman, try to get their hands on the blocks. This will give a boost to its elevation and allow the body to get on the ground. 
Like most yoga lasagnas that requires thought and patience. The bodies of some people easily fold into lotus, while others do not. "Some people have long arms, of course, make a more accessible touch. Regardless of your anatomy or resistance level, with practice and persistence, Oarsman can become a regular part of your yoga practice.
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