Salutation Seal - Full power that you want to access

Anal mural pose (Treatment of joints) marks the path of yoga practitioner in the field of spiritual awakening. This means at their disposal to cross the path of enlightenment in search of inner peace. Anal mural is commonly used to facilitate relaxation and meditation. 

About Anal Maura (Treatment Seal) 

Anal mural is one of the lasagnas most widely used and recognized yoga. Anal mural is also called the praying position, and Namaste mural mural Panama. It is often used to start and end of yoga sessions, and is also incorporated into the performance of other yoga postures. This is a very symbolic placement, reflecting the will to deepen the spiritual aspects of his soul and the will to work in harmony with the physical body. Anal mural means that yoga practitioners feel honored to be part of this joyful spiritual awakening and are willing to embark on this enlightening journey wholeheartedly. 

Step by step instructions 

Anal mural sequence can be controlled by following these instructions! 

Stand on yoga mat in a sitting pose. 
Cross your legs to plant the right foot is placed against the left thigh. The left leg should be placed in front of the right leg. Both heels should be placed in front of her pubic bone. 
Your posture should be straight but not rigid. Bring your hands, palms facing each other and touching slightly in front of the heart chakra (the center of the sternum). 
Keep elbows bent, back straight and hands together in anal mural pose for at least 2-5 minutes. 
Health services 

Anal mural has wonderful health benefits for body and mind! 

Soothes and calms the brain and nervous system. 
Relieves stress and anxiety. 
It can be used as a technique for relaxation and meditation. 
It stimulates the heart muscle. 
Improves flexibility of the arms, hands, wrists and fingers. 
Things to remember! 

Remember that your palms should not be tightened in anal mural hard pose. Allowing palms in contact with light, so they retain their "dome 'similarly.
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