Tree Pose - Reach to relax to full extent

When you see your teacher demonstrate Arkansan (tree pose), leg placed on top of her thigh and knee pointing straight to the side, you might be tempted to try to imitate him. You might even think that if his knee does not directly aiming not to take the attitude of "real" tree. But to find his balance in the pose, it is necessary to explore the reality of his own body, especially its ability to open the hip.

In yoga, there is a principle called Santa (the practice of truth) that teaches yogis think, speak and act in accordance with what is true. Because it is a difficult balance pose, tree pose is an opportunity to practice this principle in accordance with the truth in his own body.

The practice teaches pose (mountain pose) stable and vertical alignment Tradesman with the supporting leg while working with a hip and inner thigh stretch with raised leg. It is easy to practice mountain pose when you stand on two legs, but when taking a leg, you may begin to turn to one side or the other and losing balance.

To avoid falling into the tree, you need to explore and understand their ability hip opening. If your hips are not naturally open and force you to point the knee raised directly to resemble that of his teacher, his whole pelvis rotation in this direction, you withdraw your lineup mountain. When this happens, there is also a tendency to lean the back too, inclining his outside its basin more stable alignment.

It helps to imagine that your body is focused on an invisible vertical line from the crown of the head, in the middle of his torso and pelvis, and directly into the ground beneath you. He wants to remain centered around the plumb line, even if you are on one leg. Including strengthening the tree-your-heart and strengthen the supporting leg hugging the muscles of the inner thigh toward your midline. The supporting leg is like the roots of the tree and its stable pool takes energy from its roots to the spine and torso, creating a safe. Her arms and reach as the expansion of the lines in the sky.

Placing tree is the opportunity to discover the magic of yoga: If you are willing, trying to stand on one leg becomes an investigation of its own truth. Honor your truth could mean lower foot to a place below the knee or even on the floor with the knee slightly forward in space to align the hips or slightly involvement abdomen to remove the lower dome back . Thanks to the honest investigation, you can discover their true alignment and find your balance, no matter where your knee ends point!

salty practice in all its positions for being honest about your own limits. When aligned in a way that is true, a solid and balanced in their postures grow and prosper is created.

balanced tree: When Arkansan practice helps to think of "balance" as a verb rather than a noun. Instead of trying to reach a state of equilibrium, focus on balancing act. You will never be absolutely still and stable; Would you countless small adjustments to maintain posture. Just as a tree reacts to the seasons, light and rain, they continue to respond to subtle changes in your body, refining and rebalancing with every breath you take.

Look: To view a video of instructions that the base sequence, go to the tree pose.

Pose Prep 1: Septa Arkansan

Try this variation Arkansan inclination to explore the open form of the hips, with the support of the plant.

Lie on your back, put your feet together and bend both legs as if he were resting against a wall. Lift the knee and strengthen leg muscles to catch hip. Note the space between the lower back and the floor. If there is much that can be arching your lower back as well. Draw the hip points before (the two bone buttons on the front of the pelvis) to the lower ribs, with the participation of his lower abdomen to help lengthen (but not flatten) the lower back.

Place your hands on your hip points and observe that they are level with each other and pointing directly toward the ceiling. Call your right foot on the left thigh as high as you uncomfortable, press your foot on the thigh, knee and leave the upstairs open. For now, let your knee to open plop fully and watch the pelvis after leg and advice on the right. If you're like most students, the bone of the left hip now be higher than the right. Can you see how your pelvis tilts to the right? (You may need to look up to see clearly.)

Lift the knee just enough so that your hips are level again. Look where the thigh and knee are now: This is their natural degree of opening of the hip. Remember how it feels for future reference, and record what you do to cultivate this neutral pelvis. It helps strengthen your legs and press the top of the left thigh firmly down while gently engages the lower abdomen. Now it is the second face, realizing how different each side.

Pose Prep 2: Arkansan wall

Now, practice standing tree pose, using a wall as support and as another tool to explore its ability to open the hip.

Begin in Mountain Pose with your back against a wall. Inhale deeply through both the root feet, and involve the legs to reaffirm the thigh muscles. Place your hands on your hips and pelvis feel that serious face. Bring the right leg as high as possible in his left thigh; press the foot and thigh, as well as for stability.

Turn your right thigh and push the wall. By doing this, you pelvis being pulled to the right feel; initially let that happen. Continue pressing the knee all the way to the wall, and see how your changes open pelvis. Now engage your leg strong support and bring your hips back to the center until they face directly. Bring the knee as needed. This action will show his true ability hip opening. Feel the muscles that promises to maintain that position. Now try the other side, understanding that your hips will probably have slightly different degrees of openness.

Distil is a Sanskrit word that means the view or look. In the practice of yoga, each pose has a prescribed set point, or distil, designed to focus his eyes at one point and bring the mind to concentrate a stable condition. Distil is a profound practice that teaches us to look outward while bringing awareness inward. By balancing postures, eyes stand out at a fixed point in front of you is a valuable tool to keep your attention on posture and balance.

final position: Arkansan

the balance of practice and find their own true alignment in the tree pose.

Stand in Mountain pose. Spread your fingers through its root feet, and strengthen leg muscles. Raise your points in front of the hip to the lower ribs until a smooth lift sits in the lower abdomen. Inhale deeply, floating chest, and exhale as you draw your shoulder blades down the back. Look forward and find a distil, or detect the constant gaze (see box).

Place your hands on your hips and lift your right foot on the left thigh. Pause for settlement in the pose, and if tightening soften everywhere. Then press the right thigh as much as possible until the pelvis is starting to rotate the leg. Play with the distance you can open the knee without bending your pelvis to the right. Open the knee, then bring the pelvis back to the neutral position, square to the front. Back and forth like this several times. A pause when you find your true lines and bring your hands to your heart. If you feel stable over stretching. Do not take it too far back, which could cause you to fall back. Stretch your arms like branches that reach the sun. Breathe in your tree, which contains the roots below the top safe and full bloom.

better balance
Follow these tips to help you balance:

Feel free to use the wall. You can get your hands on a nearby wall or standing near a wall if you lose your balance.
Place your foot up on his lower leg support. It is good to set foot on your calf or to the ankle, feet resting on the floor.
Soften your face. If the lips or jaw bites, soften and let go.
It's OK to fall! This is the practice: try, fall, and try again. See if you can keep trying without falling into frustration. Try to have fun!
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