Upward Facing Two Foot Staff Pose - How to good body and the health

Face two staff members standing atop attitude is considered one of the most complex and advanced yoga postures and focuses primarily on the opening of the chest, as well as improving the overall strength of the chest and the region of the spine vertebral.

Sleep on your back with your heels under your knees and place your feet a little on her hips.
slowly let your arms bend and place your palms on the floor right next to your ears. Make sure your fingertips shoulders face.
Once you achieve this, stay in this position and shift your focus to your breathing.
Exhale slowly and push your knees toward your chest in the opposite direction.
By doing this, lift your shoulders, hips and head on the floor and let your arms are straight. Let your shoulder blades move toward the tailbone, as this will relieve pressure on his arm.
gradually left the crown of the head it remains on the floor while elbows remain out.
As you exhale again, spend part of the ear to hold the back of the head and let the weight is on his forearm. Do the same with the other hand.
Exhale forcefully and attic of her chest so that your head does not touch the ground. As this happens allow the beads can also anchored to the floor. Stay in this position for a while.
In the full installation to let the feet are away from their hands, until the legs become almost right.
Once you are reaching let the head back on the floor with elbows downcast as before.

Let your middle back extend deeper.
Leaving the lasagna, be sure to do so carefully. Place your feet under your knees. Head on the floor place your palms on the floor next to his ears. Make sure your hands are below the elbows. Drive slowly and slow down your breathing, until it returns to normal.
People with injuries to the lower back, neck, shoulders and wrists should not do this pose
Pregnant women should not do this pose.
Tip for beginners:
If you are a beginner make sure you have a coach to guide you through the installation. You can make use of a yoga mat to help install and support arms is offered.
Advantage Body Part:
The goal of yoga poses is to provide some benefit to the body. By approving the increase of two feet face from the staff helps to stretch the whole front of the body and chest and breathing easier also opens.
Therapeutic applications:
Help solve uterine problems in women and aids in healing of many respiratory diseases as well.
It is best to consult your coach variations at the foot of staff of the two top face is raised. You can use the yoga mat and other yoga accessories as suggested by their coach.
Preparation Poses:
Wheel arch up or Pose (Honduras Buddha)
Headstand Pose (Sisals)
Up Plank Pose (Puritans)
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