Upward Plank Pose - How to good health

What directions of the compass that is assigned to the rear and the front of your body? Before my (my belly!) Is underway from the south in recent years, but that's not what I mean. In Sanskrit, Asocial means both "return" and "West", while purvey means both "before" and "is." Therefore, according to yogis, your body is to the west, before his body is. This terminology gives us two names, related common exposures: Fascinations (intense stretch of West Pose or, more commonly, Seated Forward Bend), which extends to his body, and Puritans (in an intense stretch of the East, or to Plank pose), a slight backbend and front of the elastic body that offers a beautiful object to its western opposite.

Puritans stretch all the way through the thighs ankles, groin and abdomen shoulder and throat. It also strengthens the wrists and muscles
on the back of the arms (triceps) and firms the buttocks, if you believe the claims of popular media, is one of the main benefits of yoga. It will also improve your sense of balance and calm. And it is a great oppose Bandsman Capturing (Four Tips Personal Pose). If you have serious wrist, shoulder or neck problems, practice this pose under the guidance of an experienced teacher. You need a chair, a block, and a wall to practice.

Pose Benefits:
Stretching the body before, ankles, thighs, groin, abdomen, shoulders and neck
Strengthens the wrists and arms
buttocks companies
wrist problems
shoulder problems
Neck pain
Prep Prop less
Sit on the floor with your legs extended in Bandsman (Staff Pose). Turn into the thighs, toes, heels out, and press your palms on the floor slightly behind your buttocks with your fingers pointing forward toward your chest. If the shoulders are protesting, you can turn your fingers on the sides.

Bend your elbows and sink or dig your front torso, spreading shoulder blades as far away from the spine as possible. Rotate the arms inward and extend the elbows, leaving the head of the arm bone (hummers) protrude forward. Enjoy the stretch between the shoulder blades a minute. Straighten your elbows and lift your chest. Students often simply squeeze the shoulder blades and ribs push its lower front forward, the torso forward hardens, restrict the free flow of air, and compresses the lower back. Instead, keep your shoulder blades wide and torso before sweet.

Press the basics of the index fingers on the floor and hug your triceps against your hummers. As elbows straighten and raise your chest, keep the internal rotation of the arms, which help keep the shoulder blades wide. Releasing his head back, but does not completely cover the neck. Draw stretching along his torso to the pubic bone to the sternum (breastbone).

Imagine your inhalations lead in the space behind the breastbone ( "imagine" because there is no pulmonary there, only his heart), they increased to lift the chest. With each exhalation, reaffirm the opposing movements of internally hands (down to the ground) and scapula (against the back). Hold this position for a minute or two. Repeat two or three times until you feel confident that you will be able to recreate the internal rotation of the thighs and arms and the actions of the hands and shoulders as the front soft torso he stays when he is called to do so in the most difficult circumstances of the complete installation.

support President

Then sits on the edge of a chair with your knees bent, heels directly below the knees. Wrap your hands around the back edge of the seat (for this first part of the exercise of his arms is directed naturally out), pointing thumbs. Inhale and slowly lift your buttocks off the seat until thighs, torso, head and forms a long diagonal line with the more or less perpendicular to the seat of the chair arms. Rotate your thighs slightly inward and push (but not physically move) knees away from your chest. The rotation of the thigh tend to make your coccyx sinking to the ground, the collapse of his belly, so firm the tailbone against his pelvis back and lay down. Hold this position for one minute, then sit in the chair. In an inhalation, release the rear edge of the seat and back to the seating position upright. Take a few breaths.

If desired, repeat this exercise with your fingers facing forward, palms on the seat, and arms turned inward. Hold this position for one minute and release during exhalation and rest.

If you want to take this exercise to your limit, lift the buttocks and extend your legs still. Take your right leg first. Inhale and press through the heels to straighten the knee, but suspend your foot a few inches off the ground. Then rotate the thigh inward, point your toes and bring their individual above. As the base of his index finger, press the seat, so the base of his big toe presses on the ground. Repeat with the left leg. Again, hold for one minute and release during expiration.


If you wish to continue blocking the chair against the wall and put the safety seat (if a block of wood is used, cover the seat with a sticky mat to keep the sliding block). Adjust the block either in the lower or average height, near the front edge of the seat.

Sit on the floor right in front of the chair, knees bent, feet on the floor, heels 12 to 15 inches away from your buttocks, and lean back against the front edge of the seat. You press your hands on the floor with fingers turned to the front, side, or back you choose, just before the feet of the legs of the chair. Inhale and do what he did with the first part of the first exercise: Lift your thighs and torso parallel to the ground (heels under your knees) and release the head back on the block to take all the pressure on his neck. If the block is too high or too low, down and reset. If you experience difficulty opening the chest, which can help strengthen the firmness of your palms on the floor, shoulder blades against your back and triceps against the hummers. Again, one can not.

Do not get discouraged. Only practice this exercise every two days or more for the next few weeks, and you will be surprised how quickly things improve. If you can not lift your chest, but trying to stretch your legs, probably worse, so do not recommend it. But if your chest is reasonable, then it is acceptable to extend the legs. Having trouble getting the toes, especially the bases of the big toes on the floor? Place a sticky mat rolled on the floor, where the toes will be when its legs are extended and pressed against. Whatever happens, hold the pose for 30 seconds to a minute, and then release the floor during expiration. Smile.

When you are ready, try the full pose, recalling the actions he has learned in the preparatory postures. Back to Bandsman pressure with the palms on the floor slightly behind the pelvis and fingers pointing forward. If this strain wrists or shoulders, fingers pointing sideways or even upside down. Finally, press the palms on the floor. In an inhalation, firm and lift the buttocks and roll over heels soles touching down. If this is difficult for you, start Bandsman, and bend your knees and set your feet on the ground, with heels about 18 inches away from your buttocks. Inhale and lift the table in reverse: the shins and arms perpendicular to the floor, thighs and torso parallel. Sign your tailbone against the back of the pelvis, and then straighten one leg at a time and press soles of the feet down. Roll towards the inside of the thighs, and press the big mounds feet firmly on the ground. It is probably best to keep your head in a neutral position in the first place, or to use a chair to support head posture. Maintained for 30 seconds or your ability, and lower your buttocks to the floor during expiration.

Puritans is an excellent posture, which prepares you for various somersaults. If at the end of your practice with him, be sure to release the back with a few twists and easy to bend forward. Remember, the east side is "covered" in the west Puritans: buttocks, shoulders and triceps support structure and prevent collapse in a heap. As always, watch your breath. If it remains relatively soft, you know you are on the way.
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