Lotus Pose -

Yes, yoga strengthens muscles, stimulates the mind and calm the mind. One of his greatest gifts, however, is deeper: Yoga teaches us to see the truth of life more clearly. When we practice with intention and intelligence, we begin to see the details of our bodies and we saw that we had overlooked or misunderstood previously.

Why bother to see clearly? As my wise mother likes to say: "When we realize we have a choice" when it is clear what is happening in and around us, we are better prepared to make informed decisions and respond appropriately to .. Buddhist teacher Sylvia current needs Boosting puts it this way: "When we clearly see our best behavior, love, on behalf of all creatures."

Prescott (intense lateral stretching Pose) is a difficult and complex position offering an exceptional opportunity to practice the art of seeing clearly. equal portions of posture and balance tilt forward, the position requires enormous concentration and mental clarity. He invites us to recognize areas of our body, which are stable and take action. In the process, it strengthens and extends the legs, hips and torso while providing the opportunity to grow fresh and constant spirit.

Fold the field
To prepare, we'll explore a variation of Euthanasia (foot leans forward) incorporating some of the basics of Prescott. Stand in Tradesman (Mountain Pose) against a sufficient time to adapt to the length of his arms and chest wall. Place the pelvis such that the hip points are at the same level and the same distance from the wall. Keep your feet together while lifting his arms above his head and bend forward from your hip joints, forming a deep gorge on her thighs.

Press your hands on the wall at hip height, positioning them so that a doll formed long lines all the way to the coccyx. (The torso form a 90 degree angle to the legs.) Allow the basin to maintain symmetry when tilted forward with your left and right always the same distance from the sides of the wall. Breathe comfortably and invite your shoulders and hamstrings to settle in this delightfully refreshing stretch. After a while, reversing their movement and return to Tradesman.

Bring your legs in position

Now let's explore the same double action forward in the wall, but this time with the scissor kick in the Prescott position. This small change in the leg pose position changed considerably since driven the upper body to maintain balance, while the legs are forced to move very differently. Believe me, to see clearly what body parts are moving and which are not always as simple as it sounds!

I lean against the wall on the right foot three to six inches from the base plate, toes forward. Step left leg three to four feet behind, entering a position that feels stable while offering a good stretch of the legs and hips. Turn left on the toes just a little. Hold firmly and confidently, slowly stretch your legs and squeeze the leg muscles to bone.

Once you have found a stable position, place your hands on your hips and wondered if its basin is perpendicular to the wall in front of you. I'm willing to bet that his left hip is farther from the wall to the right, with his belly to drift to the left. To resolve this problem, it rises over the fingers of the leg back and draw your right hip toward the wall until both sides of the pelvis forward in connection therewith. Maintain this flatness is lowered slowly when left heel on the ground.

When you are sure that your hips are level and balanced, extend your arms upward and forward tilt of the pelvis until your hand is on the wall above his head. Keep the broad and expansive column, forming a long line of the base of the column at the end of your hands. Deepening the upper curve of the hips and enthusiastically continue lengthening through your pubic bone, navel, chest and heart to the crown of the head. Invite your body before feeling expansive and dynamic.

Ask yourself the following: In the soaking process before leaving the displaced back hip leg tower, causing the spine to bend and well the rest of the abdomen? If so, even at the pool pulling his left thigh before the wall firmly while pressing the outside of the right hip before.

When you have mastered this action, the two sides of your body to the hands of the coccyx be balanced and to his navel and face directly forward. This means that a marble placed on the back of his head rolled down the spine to the tailbone, which falls directly on the floor behind you in the place of your way to the left or right.

Breathe deeply for a moment, taking the opportunity to stretch your legs and lengthen your spine. When you are ready to exit the pose, I step back to the wall, release the arms to the sides and separate Tradesman. Repeat all this exploration on the second side, with the left leg forward and right leg back.

Move the center of the room
This makes Prescott modified with a support wall can be very difficult at this time. There are many things to consider in this position, and if you want to be specific about the parts of their bodies move and how best to proceed methodically and in silence. Commit to a slow and steady path that will allow you to see clearly at every step of the way.

If you were able to stay calm while Prescott in the wall, you can explore a more difficult version of this position using blocks to support their hands. Standing in the middle of the room with his legs, toes forward. left leg three to four feet step back and turn your left toes slightly outward.

Place two tall blocks on either side of your front foot. Get up and regularly with both legs straight, making deep footprints on the floor and let the action to bounce the earth through his heart. Lengthen your spine wholeheartedly to heaven.

Before starting to lean forward, place your hands on your hips and balance of the basin as it did during practice Prescott the wall. Directing the hip bones directly forward so that the pool does not slide to the left. Inhale as you extend your heart with joy and let the exhalation system in a corner before Swan launched from the base of the basin. Be clear with his actions: His legs are straight and stable, broken pelvis on the femurs and the spine remains long and stable.

Pause here and get your hands on the blocks. If this force dropped shoulders or spine to activate and keep your hands on your hips. As your body becomes more flexible, you will be able to more wrinkles in the hip joints and adjust in more detail in the pose.

If you are able to achieve the blocks without arching the spine, press your hands firmly on the top of each block, fingers forward. This rootedness Action straighten your arms and your heart preserver. Browse in the coccyx, pressing with more enthusiasm by the right side than the left side to maintain balance hips. Invite your spine gracefully extends to the pelvis in space beyond the top of the head.

Find the balanced alignment
Here's a good test of whether or not clearly see in this pose: If you stay long and anchored in the legs and hips and even balanced and both sides of the back will be long and even if the regulation in Prescott. A friend should be able to place a glass of champagne throughout the body, without fear

Once you have established this balanced alignment, breathing regularly and be firm in the center of your body. Imagine your spine is floating on the sea surface, vibrant, buzzing and light. Invite your brain to grow fresh and wide, and settle for a few long and satisfying breaths.

Such as relaxation in the deep furrow before Prescott, the challenge to participate fully in the sensations of the moment and to be honest about what is and is not happening in your body, mind and breathing. Take the opportunity to soak up every bit of clarity, stability and ease.

After several breaths, place your hands on your hips and let the inhalation take you back to the standing position. Step legs together in Tradesman and see Prescott transformed. Which leg feels? What do you feel fuller hip? Which side of the spine feels more expansive? His breathing has changed as a result of this exploration? When ready, repeat Prescott on the second side, with the left leg forward and right leg back.

As you gain confidence and clarity in this position, you can explore the expression even more difficult to do this with your hands behind you, holding each opposite side, and his heart hardened shin deep. This is a complex and demanding action, but with patience and practice is one delves into this pose strengthen its sturdy legs, spine sustained propagation, and cultivate a constant sense of
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