Staff Pose - How to good body and the health

If you find Bandsman Capturing (Four Personal limbs Pose) which is the most delicate part of his greeting to the sun, you are not alone. Many people flop and filter through it, hoping alignment will improve with time and fierce determination. Unfortunately, this is an illusion. This installation requires meticulous alignment popular muscle and robust coupling. Until dominate actions pose no problems Capturing Bandsman remain out of reach.

To clean your Capturing Bandsman, move away from traditional rhythmic flow of sun salutation, where this dynamic pose can easily become collapsed hips, a belly flopped, and elbows. A careless Bandsman Capturing is not only uncomfortable, invites injuries lower back, shoulders, elbows and wrists.

In this series of postures, which will focus on supporting Bandsman Capturing body weight with accessories. The support will give you an idea of ??what is supposed to feel like installation also help establish a model for practice safely and correctly once the support is withdrawn. Consider tutor training wheels for Bandsman Capturing. When ready, reintroducing traditional poses in their practice elegantly and confidently.

Action Plan: Here, will focus on the participation of two complementary groups of muscles around the shoulder blades: diamonds and middle fibers of trapeziums and serrates anterior and pectorals. Former draw the shoulder blades toward the spine; pull the shoulder blades away from the spine. The pectorals major, deltoids, the muscles of the rotator cuff and fortissimos dorsa provides additional support upper body.

The last match: Support your body weight with accessories lets you focus on alignment and muscle engagement. Over time, this sequence will reinforce good habits and strengthen your body, leading to assume safer and more skillful.

Before you begin: To practice Capturing Bandsman requires a preparatory work for the body heat. Let stand in Tradesman (Mountain Pose) or sitting in IRAs (Hero Pose) and heat their shoulders Grouches (cow face pose) Guardsman (Eagle Pose), and Oviparity Nanas (Reverse prayer pose). To prepare the abdominal and hip flexors take Peripheral Nava (Full Boat Pose) 3 or 4 times. Finally, prepare your middle back (perverter muscles) with 2 or 3 rounds Alabamian (Locust Pose).

Step 1: Support the chest and abdomen

Leave Bolster what else so you can align your hands, arms and shoulders as shoulder blades or blades is involved.

To start, place a pillow length in the middle of your carpet. Lie face down on the head of the top is one or two inches lower than their collarbones. The reinforcement should feel comfortable and should support most of your weight. Press the toes on the floor and stretch your legs.

Place your hands beside the lower ribs. You know your hands are in the right place when your forearms are vertical. Lift the front of your shoulders so that your arms are parallel to the floor and elbows are at 90 degrees. Look a little forward to support lift your shoulders and chest.

Press your hands firmly on the ground (without raising the pulse), and feel the front of the shoulders and chest participate with the back of the arms. Press your hands down and create a pulling action, as if the carpet is obtained heels. Thus the side of the body (dorsal muscles dorsal) and muscles that connect the inner and lower limits of the shoulder blades toward the spine is hooked.

Squeeze your arms toward your ribs. Imagine you have a pocket full of change between the arms and ribs and are reluctant to disappoint. This will help you get the muscles that connect the shoulder blades to the ribs, including serrated.

Finally, reaffirming the quadriceps and abdominal muscles. Feel the overall composition and alignment of Capturing Bandsman, and take 5-10 breathing cycles before putting your knees on the floor and release the pose.

Why it works: By supporting the weight of your body, strengthen your attention changes to your body alignment and posture superior muscle actions.

Step 2: Align your arms and shoulders

Make a loop of shoulder width. Wrap the ribbon around his arm just above the elbow. Move your body Plank Pose with your hands slightly forward of the shoulders. Keep your hands in this position (instead of directly under the shoulders) activates muscles throughout your body, setting the stage for a healthier pose. Press the soil around the base of the fingers and toes. Support their position by engaging the thighs and abdominal muscles. Now you are ready for the transition to Capturing Bandsman.

Ma balls of the feet to the tip of the toes. Bend your elbows and lower your body until the belt is compatible with the lower ribs. As you do, keep moving your upper body forward. Imagine the movement of the body is like a plane landing instead of a descending elevator. The belt will help you stop when your elbows are at 90 degrees.

Revisit the actions that have worked in the previous installation. Press firmly on the floor with your hands and lift the front of your shoulders so that they are in line with the elbows. Create a pulling action with your hands as if you try to get your body forward. Feel the muscles lining the inner boundary and the lower tip engages the shoulder blades. These actions will pull your shoulder blades down and slightly to the column. Balance the movement by tightening his arms to the sides of the ribs, with the participation of the muscles lining the outer edge of the shoulder blades. These actions are strongly adhere the shoulder blades in the back of the ribcage and support for a stable, aligned attitude.

Keep your firm thighs and abdominal muscles involved. Bandsman Capturing is not a comfortable pose breathing, nor is it easy to maintain. Make every effort to keep the position for 3-5 breaths before going down and the installation in the embrace of Alaskan (the child's position).

Why it works: The belt indicates how plank pose is low and promotes proper alignment of the upper body.

Step 3: Agro and how to adjust the Pose

In this version of the pose, your body is at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the ground rather than in parallel, which gives more weight to move in the installation and support.

To begin, place the seat of a sturdy chair against a wall. Standing at the back of the chair with your hands shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms and step back until your body is tilted about 45 degrees. At this point, he leans over the chair and your arms are perpendicular to the ribs. Another way to think about what your shoulders is 90 degrees. Before starting their steady decline in Capturing Bandsman, lengthen the tailbone toward your heels, attach the front of the thighs, and draw your navel toward your spine.

Capturing Bandsman start moving further forward on the balls of the feet (do not try to go all the way to the foot as it did in the previous version) and slowly bending your elbows move. Imagine always strap wrapped around his arm. Embracing elbows as you lower into the chair. Remember that you are not only directly below the chest is also moving forward so the elbows are aligned with dolls. Stop when your elbows are bent at 90 degrees and arms are parallel with your torso. As it did in earlier versions, look slightly forward, lift the front of the shoulders, and draw your shoulder blades in the back of the ribs.

To release the pose, slowly straighten your arms and return to the board. Repeat transition to Capturing Bandsman board and return to the table several times. If your dream is elegant without support Capturing Bandsman three versions incorporate into their practice at home until your body gets alignment, strength and pace to navigate through the installation.

Why it works: The President takes part of its body weight, which allows you to refine your technique
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