Sphinx Pose - Access to the highest state of relaxation

Type of Pose: backbend, prone

Benefits: Improves mobility of the spine, stretch the muscles at the back

Sphinx pose is one of our recommended yoga stretches for your lower back. It is a manual physical therapy exercises called the propeller object that is used to treat low back pain. Note that if the extension of the spinal fresh is good for some causes of back pain, especially when the pain comes from bulging discos is not recommended when the pain from other sources so it is essential to obtain a diagnosis and medical advice before starting any routine treatment.
Perhaps a deeper understanding and stimulation of the unbearable arch [1]
It tones the spine. People with bulging or herniated disco can be very therapeutic. [2]
If the neck is dropped, the thyroid will also be encouraged.
Seal poses in full, the stomach can receive a beautiful stretch, too.

If you have a bad back or tight sacrum
If there is severe pain here, you have to leave!
Avoid pressing on his stomach on the floor if you are pregnant (which increases the use of the pelvis and forearm).
Avoid if you have a headache.

Get in posture:
Lying on your stomach. Crossing the elbow with the other hand and move your elbows in front of her shoulders, that propping. Notice how you feel in the lower back. If the feelings are too strong, move away elbows, lowering your chest closer to the ground. If you wish, you can place your palms on the floor in front of you like a sphinx.

Alternatives and options:
For soft Sphinx, based on the coasts, drag elbows away to reduce compression in the lower back. Just lying on the stomach may be enough of a backbend for you.
You can use a pillow under the elbows, helping to raise the chest and deepen posture.
Alternatively, you place a pillow under the arms and relax completely.
Poses with straight seal, the locking arm is the deepest poses; let the hands move slightly outward. Slide your hands away from the decrease in intensity.
You can feel the higher compression in the lower back if your hands are directly under your shoulders, but a little forward. This gives a certain pressure on the lower back.
Instead of having the arms forward, Pauline Ink likes to have his hands and arms extended to the side, which is more like a joint.
Bend your knees for greater compression in the sacrum.
You can extend your legs apart to deepen the sensations in the lower back.
You may prefer to keep your legs together to release the sacrum or make them feel more, even along the spine.
You can place a pillow or a blanket under the pubic bone or thighs to relieve pressure. This is very nice for pregnant women.
The tightening of the buttocks is well within reason. Sagging shoulders is also fine.
Arching the neck and stimulate the cervical spine lengthen the neck, dropping her head back, lift the chin and throat open.
If the head is too heavy for his neck, try to rest his head in his hands or fists chin.
If you are flexible, try these postures with legs lotus.

When leaving the pose:
To exit, slowly lower your chest to the floor. Turn your head to one side and rest her cheek on the palm of his hand. You can unzip the lumbar more dragging a knee. Choose the knee that is watching, and keeping the knee and foot on the floor.

Against arises:
the position of the child is a beautiful cover, soft; move slowly. You may need to rest your head on your palms.
On his way to the child's attitude Breath you crave Cat: Cat flow up the cat down (also known as cat / cow), but flows gently to the rhythm of breathing. Do not these depths of your cats ever.

Meridians and organs affected:
Lines affects urinary bladder and kidney, as they run through the lower back and the sacrum
Meridians affects stomach and spleen along the upper legs
Stimulates the kidneys and adrenal glands compression [3]

affected joints:
Bottom of spine and neck (in case of fall back).

The Sphinx is a gentle backbend
the periods recommended:
Sphinx is longer than Seal
For Seal, will begin with a minute stays, then rest and repeat several times
Even five minutes
Finally twenty minutes!

Yang similar Lasagnas:
Sphinx and / or Cobra.

Other notes:
Imagine the spine like a string of Christmas tree lights draped on the floor;
If the arms are free, this arises is that a saddle deeper backbend and, therefore, could be done after the saddle. If the arms are flexed (as in Sphinx), it is not as deep as that of a chair, so that it can be done in advance.
Seal is nice and safe if you are pregnant.
Ideal for adding a little work of breathing and movement of energy conscious
Great pose to watch TV!

If you have back pain and want this to continue, sphinx is a very good way to work on your range of spinal motion while back stretches.

For starters, lying on his stomach.
Lift your torso bringing your elbows directly under shoulders with your forearms flat on the floor. Keep forearms parallel to each other.
Press the palms of the hands and forearms firmly on the carpet while dragging the shoulders away from the ears.
Keep your leg muscles engaged and the tops of the feet hit the mat. Feet should be in the distance apart of the hips.
Hold for five to ten breaths.
Tips for Beginners:
Pay special attention to the position of your shoulders. If they are vaulted by your ears, you do not get all the benefits of posture. Relax your shoulders, leaving the shoulder blades slide down the back.
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