The Adventures of the Yoga for Healthy Aging Book T-Shirt

The Adventures of the Yoga for Healthy Aging Book T-Shirt Nina Zolotow by Nina
Photo by Melina Meza

The newborn Yoga for Healthy Aging Book T-Shirt took its first baby steps out into the real world this weekend! Keeping it easy for its debut outing, the T-Shirt started by going on an easy stroll through the beautiful graveyard in Oakland where Baxter and Melina Meza like to take walks. And, oh, what a wonderful summer day it was! There were trees and flowers and trees and birds and trees and squirrels and trees! Plus, the skies were blue and cloudless and the temperature was perfect, warm enough so outer layers weren’t needed but cool enough so no sweating was happening—thank God. Then suddenly as if struck by a sudden bolt of lightening the T-Shirt fell instantly in love with a particularly gorgeous tree and made Baxter stop and practice Tree pose right in front it. Ah, that was total bliss! 

Soon after that, though, the T-Shirt started feeling overwhelmed and a bit cranky, and it became obvious it that nap time was next on the agenda. 

However, unlike humans, T-Shirts mature very quickly, so who knows what the Yoga for Healthy Aging Book T-Shirt will be ready for next. Where will travel? And what adventures will get up to? Surely there will be more trees (the T-Shirt loves trees—duh) but the T-Shirt is very friendly so no doubt it will want to be with other people besides Baxter, and probably with dogs, cats, and other animals, too. Maybe the T-Shirt will even start to appreciate other types of plants besides trees—maybe. The Yoga for Healthy Aging T-Shirt has not informed me of its future plans, so I’m actually quite curious myself about what’s going to happen next. 

You can follow the adventures of the Yoga for Healthy Aging Book T-Shirt on Baxter’s new Instagram account @baxterbellyoga, where you’ll also see many photographs related to Yoga for Healthy Aging in general. Baxter will be using the hashtag #yogaforhealthyaging, which you might want to start using, too, so you can all connect up. And some of you who submitted photos to me for our “contest” may find yourself on Instagram soon! 

I will also be posting the ongoing adventures of the Yoga for Healthy Aging Book T-Shirt on our Yoga for Healthy Aging Facebook Page, as soon as I get breaking news.

Meanwhile, I am guessing that the T-Shirt takes requests, so if you have one, let us know.

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