Bound Angle Pose - How to To relax and Health & Fitness

related angle pose 

So Buddha kinsman | related angle pose 

Buddha means bound and Kona means angle. This sitting posture stretches tight adductor muscles of the inner thighs and also extends to the groin and knees. Anyone with narrow hips benefit from daily practice of this posture. Buddha kinsman stimulates the abdominal organs, ovaries and prostate, bladder and kidney. Mild depression, anxiety and fatigue can be alleviated by this position and also helps relieve menstrual discomfort and sciatica. For pregnant women who practice this posture continuously, which will help ease childbirth and prevent varicose veins. 

I particularly appreciate Buddha kinsman because it feels as big as getting stretch in the thighs and groin that normally can not be removed in this way in particular. It took time and patience to get into the full pose. The journey to get there met much resistance and the cries of the groin. But these days, they met with confidence and gratitude that my groin and hip make you happy. 


Of Bandsman (personal suppose), bend your knees and bring your heels to the perineum. Then bend the knees to the side and bring the soles of the feet together. Take your feet with your thumbs between the soles and feet open like a book. This will help relieve the knees. Take a deep breath while extending the sides of the waist to the sky, the root of his bones sit on the ground, low concave back, and heart lifted high. 

Exhale, he leans forward, keeping your back straight and heart completely before lifting. Press your elbows on the inner thighs to keep his knees and bring the chin down on the ground. If the chin can not easily put your head down at the moment and work on getting your chin down. Stay here for five to ten, even the steady breathing. 


During the last eight years of my practice, slowly peel the layers of an onion myself as to get as close to what is at the heart of what I am; yarded Kinsman true Self. I found the essence and the heart of every living being is love, peace, light, truth and joy. And it is our responsibility to contact the way we live our potential and we can be of service to others. We started with a practice consistent with our yoga and get in tune with your own body, breathing, and finally take control of our mind and emotions. Once our mind, heart and body are aligned, we can share what we have with the world. 

Advantages: Bound Angle opens the hips and chest, spine lengthens and stimulates the reproductive, nervous and respiratory system. 

Contra-indications: the knee or hip injury or recent or chronic inflammation. 

changes + 

Modifications: a) Place a folded blanket under the hip bone. B) Place a folded blanket under your knees. 

Variations: A) from the rear, bringing the forehead to the feet, head and neck relax. B) Slide feet 1-2 feet forward and bear arms below the ankles and fingers entwine around the toes. before the round, pulling the forehead to toes with arms. 
Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,Bound Angle Pose,

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