Bow Pose - How to Health & Fitness by Bow Pose

It resembles the shape of the bow of an archer, Pose Honduras or bow, it is a wonderful backbend that opens your heart and mind to the fullness of their potential. 

Bow Pose strengthens the body back (shoulders, back, buttocks muscles and hamstrings) to open the front body (chest, quadriceps and hip flexors). Installation requires the use of his legs as a lever to lift the torso while actively extending the spine forward and upward through the crown of the head. Like all backbends, Honduras expands the coast, opens the heart and lungs and lengthen your spine. 

Getting Bow Pose 

It is important to heat the spine and lower back before attempting the attitude of the arc. When you are ready, you lie face down on your stomach with your legs straight behind you. 

Bend your knees and bring your heels toward the sit bones. Then grab a hold of your feet or ankles. This varies depending on their flexibility. 

Hug her thighs towards each other, maintaining the width hips or knees closer. Then, flex your feet and toes extend. 

With the forehead on the floor, inhale and stretch the sides of your body from hips to her armpits, pulling the shoulder blades toward each other and open the chest. 

Stand firm on your feet or ankles move your feet away from you as you inhale, using your legs for leverage to pull your torso and head on the floor. Remember to keep your neck in line with your spine instead of throwing his head back. 

Continue to strongly support your feet or ankles in his hands and extend your spine forward and up the pond through the crown of your head, pulling your belly and upward toward his heart. 

If you can, try to lift your legs on the ground for a deeper backbend. As you continue to increase your upper and lower body, remember to lengthen the tailbone and keep your core muscles engaged to protect your lower back. 

Holding Bow Pose as long as you possibly can, trying to keep breathing slowly and relaxing as possible. Gently release your body to the ground during exhalation and rest. Then roll on your back and hug knees to your chest, or try Alaskan, the child's position, to release any tension in the lower back. 

common mismatches 

Bow Pose can be very hard on the lower back, so proper alignment is necessary. 

One of the most frequent mismatches Honduras knee Splay is wider than the hips, lower back compression. Once lifted the torso and legs on the ground continues to tighten the thighs and knees toward each other to prevent outbreaks knees. (Tip: Place a block vertically between her thighs and legs tighten on the block while the bow rises in attitude). 

Each time you keep your feet in a pose such as Honduras, you run the risk of external rotation of the feet and ankles, which can affect the ankle and can lead to knee pain. To keep the ankle in alignment, try spreading your fingers and pressing through the mound of the big toe, taking the side of the little finger of the back foot. If you still experience pain, it is better to decrease the intensity of the pose the legs down to the floor or the release of the feet or ankles and others. 

The last major arc in the attitude of common misalignment is the position of the head. Many students raised her chin and turn compressing the back of the neck. The look is simple Honduras with the chin parallel to the floor. Once you are in the backbend, chin slightly down and press the base of his skull back, bringing the center of your ears in line with the top of the shoulders. 

Modifications and variations 

If you can not reach your hands to your feet or ankles, use a strap around the front of the ankles and hold the free ends of the strap in each hand. Keep your arms straight behind you and try to move your hands in the straps for the ankles until it has reached its maximum range, while the use of alignment above indexes. 

Bow Pose you can also be performed by propping himself on both arms, and extending both legs straight behind you. Bend one knee and reach back with the same hand to grab the foot or ankle. Keep the bottom of the extended leg and press the top of the foot down on the floor as you press the top of the foot in hand, half from Bow Pose (Ada or Honduras). 

A common variation is the attitude of the Bow Pose Side Bow (Honduras or Paris). Bow Pose in full, take a deep breath and exhale allow your right shoulder to dip press the left foot with the left hand and the roller on the right side. After a couple of laps breath, inhale and exhale center comes rolling on the opposite side. 

The same can be done in Ada Honduras. With the left foot with his left hand, stretch the right leg, right arm extended forward on the floor. Inhale and bring the left leg; exhale and move your left foot to the right, drive on the right in a half arch. 

For a deeper variation Honduras, keep the inside of the thighs, knees, calves and feet together as you lift; or trying to cross at the wrists and ankles held the opposite. 

If you are pregnant, have trouble breathing or may not be in your stomach, Bow Pose also can be carried on the side using the same principles of alignment. As in all poses, let your body to determine how deep and expansive want the pose is, and enjoy. 
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