Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose - The Key Benefits o

outstretched hand to feet pose is commonly known Outhit to Paraguayan. This position is known to be of great importance in the preparation of other complex postures to be performed in yoga. 

This yoga pose helps to stretch the hamstring muscles in order to make it flexible and prepare for other positions. 
Steps : 
First, standing in Tradesman also called Laying the Mountain and let your arms on either side of your body, with your feet firmly placed on the floor 
Lift your left leg and bend the knee until it touches the abdomen 
Now let your hand slides down the inside of the left thigh and keep the other part of your foot. If you are a beginner, you will find a yoga strap very useful. 
Bring the thigh inward now tighten the muscles of the right thigh. 
As you continue to take your left foot allow extending forward and allow it to recover as much as possible. 
Keep your balance and slowly turn the next left foot. Continue breathing normally throughout the year. 
Remain in this position for about 30 seconds, then inhale slowly and bring the leg forward again and place it on the floor. 
Follow the same procedure with the right foot also. 
DO NOT use single pose, especially if you are a beginner and make sure you have a yoga teacher to guide you through the imposition 
Do not perform this pose if you suffer from ankle injury or pain in the lower back. 
Also, if you are pregnant, talk to your doctor if you can practice posture or related positions. 

This is important because it could affect the health of the baby and mother. 
Tip for beginners: 
If you are a beginner there are certain things that will help you perform better placement. You can use yoga straps, like a chair can help support the leg when lifting a particular level. 
Advantage Body Part: 
It helps legs and strong ankles 
It stretches the back muscles and feet 
It also improves the body's balance. 
Therapeutic applications: 
This position is very useful for controlling the symptoms of osteoporosis because it strengthens bones and stretches the muscles of the body. 
Alternatively, the pose, most beginners are offered to keep your knees bent and continue to stay in the position before himself. You can also straighten both legs if you want to increase the intensity of exposure. 
Preparation Poses: 
Reclining Hero Pose (Septa IRAs) 
Reclining big toe Pose (Septa Paddings) 
Standing Forward Bend (Euthanasia) 
These postures help prepare the muscles and make them flexible enough to perform the installation. 
Poses followed: 
Downward Facing Dog (Ado Mika Saunas) 
Standing Forward Bend (Tasmania) 
Cobra Pose (Huang) 
Monitoring positions are equally important and should be implemented as they help relax the muscles after training and help relax the body stressed. 
Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose,hand yoga,Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose,hand yoga,Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose,Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose,hand yoga,Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose,Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose,Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose,hand yoga,Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose,hand yoga,Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose,Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose,hand yoga,Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose,hand yoga,Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose,hand yoga,Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose,

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