Easy Pose - How a Can good health

For thousands of years, people around the world were sitting on the floor cross in positions such as Sikhs (Easy Pose) legs. Although this sitting posture seems simple and even banal, when you practice with the clear intention, Sikhs has the power to take deep inside, that leads to a state of meditation and revealing the immense joy present in your heart. 

Sikhs a whole inner life that you will discover with practice. An aligned Sikhs creates the conditions for a relaxed but alert state of mind and body. The first challenge of the alignment of this posture is to sit with your legs relaxed while lifting the spine and open the chest. You will make many small adjustments as you work to distribute your weight evenly on the sitting bones to balance the shoulders directly over your hips and align the head at the top of the spine. a surprising amount of core strength is needed, so the repeated practice will tone the entire circumference of your chest, front, sides and back. By making these small adjustments aimed at the extension of the spine, gradually pull your attention inward toward your heart, allowing you to sit in comfort, balance physical and mental balance. 

Despite its name, Sikhs not always feel easy for many people. We are used to sitting on chairs, and are encouraged to lean back and sink through half of his body, which weakens the abdominal muscles and back. When moving to sit on the floor, it can be difficult to bear, especially if you have narrow hips, knee injuries or pain in the lower back. However, if you approach the pose with the right support, you can learn to stand without a chair to lean back. Raise the pelvis by sitting on folded blankets will gradually release and open the hips, while lifting and stretching your spine. 

To reach all along the spine in Sikhs, you must first master the balance at the base of the stand. Note the position of the pelvis: Do you tend to flow through the hips and lower back? Or that naturally tilt the pelvis forward with his belly fall forward? Instead, the balance of the center of the sitting bones, the positioning of the basin so that the sacrum moves in the abdomen and lift both inside and upwards. 

When you have found your base foxily, their attention on the upper body focus. An important goal of their work is to support Sikhs easeful breath. To help develop the chest in Sikhs, double the palms of the hands together in the middle of your chest and extend your collarbones. This strengthens the outer shoulder blades and upper back muscles, promoting higher moving inward spine. Extend the sides of the torso will also help develop the chest and deepen your breathing. practical length of discovery, interlocking fingers and extending his arms raised. actively raise the chest and feel the stretch of the muscles between the ribs. Try to keep the same length after lower arms. 

Finally, the back of the ribcage should expand and extend Sikhs. An easy way to practice is by bending forward with outstretched hands in the blocks. Feel the back of the ribcage diffusion lengthen the spine forward. Keep this expansion when sitting upright in Sikhs, noting how the entire rib cage moves freely with his breath. 

Although most often translated as "easy" or "comfortable" the word Sikh can also mean "happy" or "happy". This name is a reminder of the innate joy in you. In your yoga practice, when you find foxily in your body and ease and expandability in your breathing, you may receive this joy. In those moments, note that you do not experience your body, mind and breathing as separate parts; instead all three are together, and your heart is light and the feeling of freedom in the chest. 

easeful action 
In yoga practiced putting forth the effort while staying connected to the part of you that is naturally cheerful and comfortable. When you learn to act this way, both the mat and you're able to move deftly through life without panic or fear. 

Step 1: Sikhs, arms raised 
Extending sides of the body and raising the spine. 


1. Sit on 2 folded blankets with your legs extended in front of you. 

2. Bend your knees and cross the right shin in front of the left tibia. 

3. Move the knees locked until your feet are directly underneath. 

4. Interlace the fingers, arms up and stretch marks stretch. 

Filter: To sit more firmly on the sitting bones, hands under the buttocks and slide the meat out and away from the bone. This expands the pelvic floor and allows your legs to release below. Cross your fingers if space is sealed between them. Turn your palms forward and fully extend their arms and elbows. Lower your sitting bones, hips and inner thighs while the outer raises his arms. To come through their wrists, elbows and shoulders to stretch the sides of your body. 

Finish: Continue to stretch the sides of your body and lift the spine, moving the sacrum and lower back to the back and chest. How to achieve the extension of the spine, hold steady and firm through the bones, hips, legs and feet feel. Release the pose, change the cross legs and interlacing fingers and repeat. 
Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,Easy Pose,

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