Supported Headstand - To free carefree life

I first noticed numbness in his right hand there are six, while the size of a very detailed Shiva / Shakira, for casting in bronze model. In the coming months, reaching my tools to sculpt it became unbearably difficult or impossible. Despite my efforts to solve the problem with the body and yoga, numbness worsened. About a year in this chronic pain woke me every hour with viselike grip sensations in my hands. For three weeks I spent the early morning hours of walking and shaking hands until the pain subsided. This prolonged lack of sleep leads to even my lowest point, I fell asleep at the wheel while driving on a winding road around a lagoon. My car took off, flew over the embankment, and landed in the marshes of low tide of 50 or more yards off the road.

Luckily he was not injured in the car accident, but served as a wake up call and motivated me to see a doctor for my chronic pain. The doctor ordered cervical radiographs. They showed considerable damage, including neck curve inverted uterus, disco degeneration, and bone deposits which were partially taken block the nerves. Degeneration had gradually over a number of years. My doctor and I suspect that the cause: I practiced a lot Salam wineries Sisals (headstand) for years, even if it was painful. My desire to excel both in my practice of lasagnas and teacher of lasagna, led me to ignore the signs of my body and cries of relief. Now my face brutal reality, I began a deeply humiliating journey to examine how my practice made me much harm.

Benefits Pine
For years, he had experienced firsthand the benefits Headstand. According to the tradition of yoga pose known as the king of lasagnas, it affects all body systems, including the cardiovascular, lymphatic, endocrine and digestive systems, as well as improvement of piranha, or life force . Many texts, old and new, encourage the practice of pear and its profound benefits as a renewed sense of vitality, mental clarity, stability and calm speak. Many people believe that the complete reversal of our usual vertical position improves circulation, which is known for its cleansing, nourishing and healing effects.

My regular practice of investments such as pine had strengthened my upper body and gave me the balance. headstand also gave me confidence in my ability to maintain balance in a variety of situations, always a daily sentiment of profound renewal, and lifted my spirits. I do not renounce all that, but obviously had to make a change.

Pine risks
Looking back on my journey of yoga, I can see it was not just the pose that helped my injury, it was the way he was practicing posture. I came to yoga at the age of 21 in good physical condition. Headstand and get Salam Savannas (resting on the shoulders) was easy, and soon began to extend the time I have been in these positions. But I was not aware of the healthy biomechanics, not a long-term plan to become increasingly competent. At this age, I am sensitive to the suggestion of some of my teachers I had to persevere through pain in order to be rewarded with the power to reap the benefits of posture. I pressed on, eager to show what I'm worth.

There was fleeting years of early warning signals before my hands were numb. Over a period of time, I developed a frozen look from side to side neck, had to turn the whole body as the muscles in my neck were protecting me painfully to do more damage. But after a few costly chiropractic treatments, my symptoms have decreased and returned to investment and my quest to achieve the minimum time recommended 10 minutes pear. Once he had achieved this goal, I wanted to move on and learn the exciting and exotic appearance variations. Over the years, I'm just used to a certain level of pain. At that time, there was a compromise acceptable to the positive effects that I liked.

Journey to Wholeness
After the car accident, I went to the possibility that he would never again pear and let me focus on recovery. I did physical therapy, meditation, Rowling, and iBong. I took an Curved diet and lifestyle. I also face disappointment to refrain not only Headstand, but Ado Mika Saunas (Down Dog Pose) Buddha Saunas Mika (face up Dog Pose) Bandsman Capturing (four-limbed staff pose), shoulders and other positions I practiced once with ease. Then, after about three years, as I have found an easy feeling in the neck and arms, I found entertaining the idea of ??building a pear. This time I am determined to make my attempt to represent an opportunity for self-exploration rather than an exercise led by ego and ambition. So I was playing with accessories and created variations of poses. I also took my time with my practice.

The first obstacle was practiced downward facing dog without numbness. When I could do, I started working in very small increments with the poses, such as variations of the planks of the forearm and vertical wedge, you see here, to strengthen and support the shoulder belt to avoid compression. I have found ways to create space in my body as he tried to reverse, for example, start to practice a shoulder stand using a head and neck to keep the chair on the floor and most weight in the sacrum.

Finally, I tried my first headstand using a stack of blocks to avoid putting weight on the head. I have been weak and fragile for months. Instead of fighting, it is an honor and down after only 20 to 30 seconds. I built slowly, second to second. When I finally built a stop autonomous head, I kept the position for only half a minute.

Today, still actively practice my variations and high positions so you can do Headstand safely. Practical independent pine two to three times a week for two to three minutes, and pear block supported by about three times a week. I can do it safely, without adverse effects. changes in persist bones in the neck, no doubt; inflammation of the nerves back if I'm not careful. And since I'm back in pine, my current investment pillars Oviparity Karan (Legs-up-the-Wall Pose) and on the shoulders backed chair. I can stay in Oviparity for much longer periods, it focuses on breathing and calming settlement in full consciousness.

Learn to form, no strain
If you want to practice Headstand safely to make an honest assessment of your physical, mental and emotional well-being every time you practice. The strength and concentration needed to headstand can not be there at any time. Also, if you have not been able to release stress in their practice before reaching the headstand, it might be too distracted to fully implement the challenge.

For this pine it is also important to constantly train and strengthen the shoulders and upper back. Here's why: standing poses, we support our body weight through the pelvis and long, strong legs bones. In Headstand, however, our body is supported by the smaller, more fragile bones neck. If the back and shoulders aligned properly, you can offset some of the pressure on the neck. But the shoulder joints are relatively less stable than all other joints in the body, and can take years to build awareness of the strength and body to create the necessary support for a headstand aligned.

Compassion and introspection
I think the guidelines and preparation, most people can avoid injuries pear. I recommend working with an experienced teacher who can look at the proportions of your body; every body is different, so the focus of each person must be customized. A good teacher will guide you to avoid excessive pressure on the vertebrae or the delicate cervical discos and encourage their time not build too fast.

But perhaps the most important thing to remember when considered as a Stance pose on the head or other facility is advanced yoga is to discover your being and live every day. If competitiveness and athletic performance shadow of this, you lose a valuable opportunity to live from a place of fulfillment and serve as a living example for others in this world. Although I thought I had cultivated this approach in my yoga practice, I came to see how my ego had created blind spots in vision.

These days, the installation feels different to me, because I'm not trying to show what I'm worth or get approval through practice. Instead, use it as a tool for lighting and just enjoy the wonderful feeling of being completely backwards and increased resistance I feel later. This is the jewel I received after my encounter pain and injury with compassion and self-inquiry. At 61 years, I hope I have learned to really listen to this instrument I call my body and my mind, and in honor of my inner wisdom. I encourage you to take the same approach in their practice. The benefits far outweigh the risks.

The building blocks for a healthy head stop
It suggests that monitoring will help build strength and headstand necessary to secure knowledge. Take all the time you need weeks, months or even years to work on the preparation poses.Once float to the pear, the ease of experience in the installation will be worth your efforts. If you are a beginner or if you feel you must avoid headstand enough for some reason, the practice of preparatory postures for strength and awareness, back and shoulders, which will help in everyday life. For practical investment, you can choose to Oviparity Karan and enjoy the ease and benefits of investment put your legs on the wall.

should not practice headstand if you have retinal problems, high blood pressure, cervical sprain, stenos, cervical discos or tablets. People with marked asymmetries of the spine, such as scoliosis should work with an experienced instructor. No investment practice during menstruation. Practice during pregnancy only with the guide. And finally, any neck pain is an indication that the configuration of the pear or modification does not work for you and you should consult an experienced teacher.

Body language

Sullivan demonstrates the importance of taking your body proportions in mind before doing headstand: Hands in the stop position on the head, the head is well above the horizontal line of her forearm, which means that your neck It is not the full support of his arm pear. Try this in front of a mirror at home and if you have similar proportions, consult an experienced teacher for propping options.

Dog forearm with blocks

Benefits: Opens the shoulders; you can discover the feeling of leaving the neck and crown lie while maintaining very low body weight.

The creation of two blocks. Place a flat block with short edge touching a wall. Place the other block above it, with one end on the ground and the other end resting on the edge of the first block to the diagonal.

Begin on your forearms and knees, elbows, with his shoulder-width apart on the floor. Place your hands on either side of the lower block and press lightly. Press your forearms, hands and wrists down. On an exhale, lift your knees on the floor and hips toward the ceiling. Rest the crown of your head on the sloping block. The spine should form a straight line from head to rump line. Now that is already set up, use your shoulders, back and stomach to shift your weight to your hips while the neck and head block stretch. (According to proportions of your body, you may block inclined to be adjusted so that its head reaches the block.) Start with your heels to the ground, and then raise an inch or two and engage shoulders, back and belly off the floor. This will prevent the weight being transferred to the neck and further strengthen the central belt and shoulder. Stay here for 5 breaths.

Forearm Plank Pose with Delta and Pumping

Benefits: Strengthens your heart, spine, neck and deep muscles of the upper back and ribs that rest on the headstand.

From a kneeling position, place your forearms on the mat, with his shoulder-width apart and elbows directly below the shoulder joints, fingers intertwined. Expand your shoulder blades firmly and tightly in the chest to the top of the broad back. Resist crushing by force size using the lower abdomen and in the middle. Walk until Plank Pose on the forearm. Start pads: Slide your body forward and backward a few inches by the renewing of your toes, keeping the back of the long neck and in line with the spine.

Do this several times, then rest in Alaskan (the position of the child) for a few deep breaths.

Come forearm plank again to start the pumps. On the inhale, allow the blades to migrate to the other, while reducing the chest a few inches off the floor without bending at the waist; then with exhalation, slowly pumped into the starting position. The slow movements recruit more muscle fibers, construction beyond the muscular movements will be faster. After the pumps slowly twice, left again in the child's position. Repeat pads and pumps twice each rest between each. Over time, the construction of 5 to 10 times each.

vertical line

Benefits: Strengthens shoulder girdle and lets you practice keeping the neck long and decompressed.

Place your forearms on the mat, with his shoulder-elbow distance between them and joined hands. You lift your knees on the floor and tiptoed forward to the spine becomes almost vertical and back of your head rests lightly on their wrists. Hold for several breaths without straining the neck. Over time, building up to 30 seconds on hold. This position will help stabilize your torso while upside down; fortissimos dorsa and serrates to avoid tipping backwards, while the core abdominal stabilize forward.

Preparing stop head using a chest support battery packs

Benefits: Supports and open the upper back and shoulders while stretching and strengthening the shoulder girdle.

Set the blocks. Place a block that rises vertically 2 inches or more from the wall in a sticky mat. (If the block ends ultimately depends on the flat or rounded upper back and long arms are in relation to your neck.) Place a second block at the top, and perpendicular to, the first block. The third block wall to the flat length dimension, based on the central block, one end of the wall. The block configuration may seem expensive, but it helps to fully support the body and protect the neck.

Start knees in front of the blocks with your elbows shoulder width. Wrap your fingers tightly around the vertical block. Press the soil with forearms and wrists. On an exhale, lift your knees on the floor, lift your hips and lift your heels. Your head should be on the floor. Toe forward until your back is based on blocks and the back of your head touches the vertical block. The top of his head lightly touches the ground, if necessary.

Stretch your legs, if possible, despite knees may need to stay a little bent to walk forward enough to get the upper back to the blocks. Feel blocks back and shoulders to prevent wall collapse while walking his closest foot blocks. (When the upper back down, neck gets too much weight, putting you at risk of action.) Hold for 30 seconds to one minute, keeping your back pressed firmly against the blocks with the hips up . To continue the practice of lifting a leg. Keep your leg for several seconds. Lower the leg and repeat with the other leg, the construction of about 30 seconds gradually over time, as long as your neck is comfortable.

Variation with headstand stack blocks

Advantages: it allows those with cervical disk compression to take advantage of investment without risk of further damage.

Using the same configuration blocks, lifting one leg and the other leg of the spring into full Sisals, with his back by blocks and his head is completely on the ground or is touched only slightly. (You may need the help of an experienced teacher.) Since the blocks that prevent compensation back with shoulders and hips, standing can be a bit like jumping on the pine. If the balance does not feel tight, bend your knees and press your feet on the wall. This will help you align your knees to your shoulders while benefiting from the support blocks and wall. Stay for a few seconds; Then gradually increase its holding by what feels right for you.

Oviparity Karan (legs laying plane of the wall)

Benefits: Promotes deep relaxation while reversing the body.

Place a pillow or covers 4 to 5 inches from the wall. Sit at the end of the cross with his right next to the side wall and feet on the floor in front of you. Place your left hand on the floor, then lower your upper body towards the floor. At the same time, lift and turn back toward the wall, keep in touch with her. Bring your left shoulder toward the ground near the miter and roll on his back. Scoot as close to the wall as you can, keeping your legs straight. Make sure that the pillow supports your lumbar curve and coccyx feels like you are falling to the ground. (Some people feel more comfortable if the sacrum is also well supported, while others need to be further from the wall due hamstrings.) Standing arm in a head open circle, one hand relaxed in the palm of the other. Draw your attention inward toward breathing and subtle consciousness. Beginning students can remain for several minutes, while
experienced students can stay longer.
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