Warrior I Pose - At What Point Do You Need to lose weight

Wirehairs I (Warrior Pose I) it is a vigorous state that requires concentration and determination to meet its challenges arise. The full expression of the pose takes some serious multitasking. He asks you to do several actions at once that seem to pull in opposite directions: You must raise all the earth down and push forward while reaching back.

Although it can sometimes feel like a battle after another, mastering this fundamental poses offer great rewards. Thigh muscles get a workout. His feet and ankles are stretched and strengthened, and its core muscles are toned. His arms are reinforced as they raise head, chest and open and expand the lungs, which gives a great feeling of force. The opening of the hips and chest and strengthen the legs and arms to prepare for all kinds of backbends and investments.

Since the installation invites many different actions, it is useful to choose to focus on each time you practice. For many students, one of the biggest challenges is keeping the elbow deep front knee while reaching the torso up without compressing your lower back. The key is the position of the pelvis. Unless you are naturally very open in the flexor muscles of the hip (these range from the front of the thigh in the pelvic area and allow you to take long strides, powerful), bending the knee to a right angle it tends to tilt the top of the pelvis forward, compressing the lower back. Instead, work to bring the basin to a more vertical or neutral lifting points before hip position. You can feel when they are on both sides of the lower abdomen if you wrap your hands around her waist. It's important to work with the supply of the basin, allowing your lower back to bed, he is having a perfect right angle bend in your knee.

Discover the link between the two actions: Please note that the more the knee bends, the harder it is to move the pool toward the vertical. Try to hire a slight increase in the lower abdominal muscles and notice how it helps lengthen your lower back. This personal research reveals the flexibility of the hip joints and hip flexor muscles, as well as the strength of the abdominal muscles. Some days will be easier than others, and while you heat, may experience a greater range, too. Although you can not completely arrive at a right angle bend the front leg, a sense of accomplishment for having identified their work and stick to it you will feel. You will have the deep satisfaction of having committed the challenge, no matter what the outcome.

The practice of warrior, I'll show you where you are strong, you are tight, and where it is weak. Perhaps most importantly, it will teach you to accept all the obstacles that your body has. Over time, it will create stability, consciousness and the ability to move into a deeper expression of this powerful attitude.

The strength of a warrior
According to legend, Granada was a fierce warrior who grew up in a tuft of hair on the wrath of Lord Shiva and conquered his enemies. Tap their own inner power that demanding challenges it faces.

Step 1: Roll out the front of the thigh and practice lifting the basin upright under Lunge

1. Downward Facing Dog, step right foot forward between your hands and lower the knee to the floor or blanket.

2. Align the heel forward with the back heel, or place your feet hip width for better balance.

3. Plant fingers on the floor and move your weight forward until you feel a stretch in the front of the left thigh.

4. Stack the front knee over the heel.

5. Press the heel and thigh front work before removing the femur in the hip socket.

Refine: Place your hands on your knees forward, lift your torso upright. Press your hands on the thigh to help lift your hip points before, by observing how the stretching sensation moves up from mid-thigh to the front of the hip. Activate your abdominal muscles to help lift more hip before pointing upward and lengthen your tailbone down. You move your weight back slightly on the back leg.

Finish: Again, move the weight forward over the bent leg. You can move forward and keep your femur before shooting. Keep stacked heel knee. A balance between advancing down the stretch and lift your abdominal muscles to bring your pelvis to an upright position. Finally, inhale deeply and reach your arms over your head, lift the chest up. Take a few breaths here and practice on the second side.

Step 2: Work the legs and learn to make room on the lower back in a pose warrior 1 preparation

1. Begin in Tradesman against the front edge of the mat. Step left foot back, about 4 to 5 feet behind you.

2. Align your feet heel off the back of the heel or keep your feet on the width of the hips, if feels more stable.

3. Point your left toes to the left front corner of the carpet.

4. Turn your back of the thigh and hip forward, working to balance the hips forward.

Filter: With hands on hips, strengthen all the muscles of the legs. Press evenly across the four corners of your front foot and pull your leg muscles in the hip as if drawing pantyhose legs. Trying to seal the outer edge of your foot on the carpet, which works to lift the inner arch of the foot. Continue this work until the leg back, participation inside and firming shock and lifting the inside of the knee as if to unravel all the way to the crotch to the top of the back leg. Then wrap the leg inseam back toward the wall behind you to find internal rotation. This should help make room in the lower back to the coccyx and sacrum can stretch down. Lift your hips forehead with his hand as a guide. Post coccyx and address of the lift in the abdominal muscles and stretching in deepening leg back and hip.

Finish: you'll feel a good stretch in the thigh and the front of the basin leg back. Use your hands to help your pelvis attract more to the right, as it did in the previous step. Install your eyes forward and stabilize your breathing if it is long and smooth. Practicing on the second side.

Final position: Warrior Pose I

1. Begin in Tradesman against the front of the mat. Step left foot back, about 4 to 5 feet behind you.

2. Keep your front foot pointing forward and your back foot pointing to the left front corner of your carpet.

3. farm and stretch your legs. firmly anchor the back foot and turn the back of the thigh inward, creating a space to leave the coccyx.

4. Lift the hip before pointing to cause the pelvis to an upright position.

5. Start to bend the knee to a right angle.

Refine: Press the front heel down on your carpet and feels like if you pull the leg back into place. Fold the front leg halfway at an angle of 90 degrees and a pause to reengage the rear leg. Connect the outer edge of the hind leg, thigh roll crotch toward the wall behind you and try to raise points of front hip again. Then, on an exhalation, bend the knee as deeply as you can comfortably, moving toward a right angle. Place your hands on your hips and feel if your pelvis tilts forward. Work to raise the rectum, noting if a part of the deep bend in the knee is lost. Explore how far you can bend the knee, keeping the pelvis and a vertical.

Finish: How to find your expression of Guerrero I, deeply inhale and reach your arms outstretched to the sky, lengthening the lower back and sides of the waist. Press the solid roots of both feet and breathe in your heart, find a sense of peace in the center of efforts.

adjust yourself
Follow these tips to optimize your practice Warrior Pose I:

Troubled balance: If you feel unbalanced, create a more stable base by placing your front foot a few inches from the midline of your body.
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