Wide Legged Forward Bend - How to Overcome and the health

How many times have you heard people say, "I can not do yoga, I can not even touch my toes"? What they do not realize is that yoga is not to touch your toes or achieve any other goal; It anticipates learn to move your body through proper range of motion. When practice Premarital Spartans (Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend), the goal is to bend forward from the hips so you can stretch the hamstring muscles without straining your back. No matter how you get to the plant. What matters is that you learn to stabilize the legs and spine while bending forward. 

Learning to work in this manner is likely to save you backaches and smooth on the line. Consider this: You leave before standing all the time in everyday life to pick up something on the ground, for example, and as it often does, it can be difficult to do with attention. But if you are not aware it is likely to round your back when you lean forward. Over time, this can overstretch and destabilize, or create tension in the lower back. 

When Premarital Spartans consciously, stretch the hamstrings, calves and hips; strengthens the feet, ankles and legs; and reinforces the knowledge of how to protect the lower back. This position is also a slight reversal, because it lowers the head and heart below her hips. The combination of the inverted form and fold forward tends to make a wonderful sense of calm. Finally, this approach will build strength in your shoulders and upper back, and given the length and ease neck muscles. 

If you have tight hamstrings or narrow hips, this pose will require a little more skill and patience. Hamstring, it will be difficult for you to bend very far before the lower back starts to round. If this happens, bend your knees slightly to facilitate stretching of the hamstrings so you can keep your lower back forward and long curve of hip joints. Or you can choose not to go all the way to the ground: Place blocks under your hands to lift the ground. 

Find the attention focused! 
If you are naturally flexible in your hips and hamstrings, you need to strengthen your abdominal muscles to support and prevent lower back primordial. And for those of you who are here very open, it will be useful to limit the distance that will strongly contracting your hamstrings to prevent overuse. Focus on the stabilization legs and spine and isolate the movement of the hip joints. 

When you bring your full concentration on the actions of the game, you find yourself in a very concentrated state in which all other concerns seem to dissolve. This is called karat or attention to a single point. It is a mindset that creates not only a smart pose with all its advantages, but an ability to move out of multitasking is also grown, the overactive mind set the world seems to require. The more often you practice, the better you will be able to concentrate on one thing. You learn how to find a home where the mind concentrates can be deposited on a chosen object and leave the rest of the world, for a time, follow their path without being harassed. 

Premarital build Spartans on a regular basis. Consider each of the four corners of the feet, inside and outside heels, big toe mounds and mounds pinky-finger foot. Pressing these corners, lift the inner and outer arches. This elevator moves up, like a pair of zippers, firming the length of the legs and feet to land on earth. 

Step 1: Found in the spine 

1. Place your hands on the wall at the height of the hip, shoulder width apart. 

2. Back off the wall until your arms straighten. 

3. Enter your feet 3 to 4 feet apart, toes pointing forward. 

4. their feet on the ground, pressing the four corners of the feet. 

Refine Stretch your toes wide, lift the interior arches, and work your legs as if you can compress muscles all the way to the top of the inner thighs. Lift the knee. Embrace your inner thighs toward each other to stabilize the pelvis. Press your palms firmly on the wall and turn upper outer arms toward the floor, widening the upper back. Achieving sitting bone away from the wall to lengthen the spine. As an experiment, try turning the bones to sit in the square to round the lower back. Then try to raise (you may have to bend your knees), arch your lower back. Now back in the middle, showing his bones sit up straight. This alignment will double hip joints, while the maximum length of the spine is maintained. 

Finish: Inhale slowly for 5 or 6 breaths. Then walk your feet toward each other, remove your hands from the wall and get to a standing position. 

Step 2: Work the legs 

1. Step 3 feet to 4 feet away with his toes pointing forward. 

2. Place two blocks on the floor in front of you, shoulder width apart. 

3. Plant the four corners of the feet and raise their bows. 

4. Lift through your chest and lean forward from the hips, the elongation of the spine. 

5. Place your hands on the blocks and stretch your arms. 

Refine: Participation of the four sides of the legs, pulling the muscles in the hips. Extend your body forward, reaching the sternum and the crown of the head forward and stretch your bones sit up straight. Draw your shoulder blades down your back until your neck feels much. As you can increase stretching of the hamstrings, be sure to keep the muscles of the leg fully seated. The muscles before they are stretching prevents you from going too fast or too far. Now check the lower back. Stabilize the pelvis and find a column in neutral position. If it's easy for you, try to reduce the blocks and see if you can further fold without arching your back. 

Finish: Press your feet and slowly come to Tadasana (Mountain Pose). Pause and notice how you feel. 

final position: Stabilize and extensible 

1. Step the feet of 3 to 4 feet away, hands on hips. 

2. Raise throughout your torso and slowly fall back into his legs. 

3. Place your hands flat on the floor, shoulder width; start stretching the torso forward. 

4. Double deeper, bringing her head to the ground. Bend your elbows, her wrists stack. 

Refine anchor your feet, strengthen leg muscles in the hips, and gently squeeze the outer thighs in any lengthen your spine bones sitting in the crown of the head .. Hug your forearms in general, pointing elbows backward. Draw your shoulders back. 

As you lie down, be sure to bend your hip joints rather than rounding the lower back. If the hamstrings are tight, you can choose not to bend down. No matter where you go, keep active legs. As Hamstring stretch, you remember to contract the muscles to control how to stretch. Find your advantage and remember that yoga is making smart decisions, not to get deep stretch. 

Finish: After taking several breaths, ground feet, stretch your arms, and lengthen your spine forward. Inhale, slowly raise the standing position; then exhale. Step feet together, enter into Mountain Pose, and paused to catch his breath. 

adjust yourself 
Try these settings to optimize the installation for your body: 

Find the best foot placement: The wider position, the easier it is to look forward. But if it is too large, you may feel unstable. 
Protect your knees: If your knee hyperextension can practice with a slight bend in your knees to keep your hamstrings are engaged. 
Support the head: If you feel uncomfortable or little dizzy, try putting a block under the head. To hold the head can be a relief. 
Exit slowly: If you are prone to seasickness or low blood pressure, take several breaths to slowly go through it. 
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