My Next-Door Neighbor

My Next-Door Neighbor Nina Zolotow by Nina
Lilacs in a Window by Marie Cassatt
My next-door neighbor Len, who is 78, recently stopped me on the street to tell me that he had finally started taking a yoga class (despite having lived next door to me for 30 years and being married to someone who has been practicing for a few years herself). He seemed so excited about it and so pleased about the almost immediate benefits he was experiencing that I thought it would be fun to share his story with you. I asked him to write it in his own words, and here’s what he has to say:  

“I recently started taking a Gentle Yoga Class at the Albany YMCA. As you know, I've read your blog from time to time and have been around Yoga students for years, including you, Ginny, Brad, and even some of my Coffee Cronies! I've noticed that people who take Yoga seem to be in better shape than I am. So I signed up! After a month of classes, I'm amazed at the effect it has had on me! I am walking better, my posture has improved, and, strangely, I feel healthier than I did before I started the classes (still can't seem to hold the downward dog as long as the other students). I intend to keep going to the classes, try and learn some of the Yoga language, and if I'm lucky begin to understand what Yoga is all about! As a 78 year-old Person, set in my ways, I never thought I would be taking this sort of class. But, I’m really glad I did. It's been good for me! I'm even going to get my own mat!” 

So there you have it. I hope this inspires someone out there who is thinking they’re too old to start yoga (you’re not!). Or maybe some of you who are trying to convince someone else to get started can use this to inspire them.

P.S. I’m not sure why Len finds it “strange” that he feels healthier, but he’s only been practicing for a little while. I’m sure he’ll figure it out eventually.

P.P.S. The picture of lilacs is because Len gives me lilacs every year from his bush—they are very rare in Berkeley—because he knows I love them.

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