Shelly Prosko's WOW (Words of Wisdom) Chat with Baxter Bell

Shelly Prosko's WOW (Words of Wisdom) Chat with Baxter Bell Nina Zolotow “You wanna have a plan; but don’t stick to your plan because that spells disaster, in some ways. The plan has to be modifiable moment by moment. As a presenter, I have the most enjoyment when I’m interacting with everyone and it’s changing the presentation—it’s changing the material so it’s unique for that moment.”

—Baxter Bell

Shelly Prosko has started a series of W.O.W. Chats on her YouTube channel where she gathers “Words Of Wisdom” from people she respects and admires. In this short W.O.W. Chat with our own Baxter Bell, Shelly asks Baxter how he balances being sincere and “real” while speaking, teaching, or communicating versus robotically following the planned outline of the material. For all you yoga teachers as well as anyone who does public speaking, Baxter offers his perspective on how to speak in a conversational tone, without sounding rehearsed or insincere. Shelly also asks his perspective on what it means to be authentic—taking a yogic approach of cultivating awareness and therefore being in the present and interacting with the person in front of you when having a conversation as well as when teaching. 

Check out Baxter’s unique responses and their fun, candid conversation. There are lots of philosophical yoga gems in this W.O.W. Chat. Enjoy!

Shelly Prosko, PT, PYT, CPI. As a Physical Therapist and Yoga Therapist, Shelly is dedicated to bridging the gap between yoga and modern healthcare philosophies, and believes this integration is highly effective in creating and sustaining optimal health. She received her Physical Therapy degree at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, her Medical Therapeutic Yoga training at Professional Yoga Therapy Institute, Yoga Teacher Training at Blissology, and Pain Care Yoga (PCY) Certification at Life is Now.

Shelly has been integrating yoga into her physical therapy treatments since 1998, addressing a wide variety of conditions including persistent pain. Currently, she travels globally offering specialty PhysioYoga and Life is Now PCY courses, lecturing at medical college programs, instructing at numerous therapeutic yoga programs, and presenting at international conferences. She is dedicated to actively promoting the integration of yoga into healthcare by inspiring, empowering, and educating health professionals, yoga practitioners, students, and people in pain about ways yoga can be used safely and effectively to address a variety of health issues and improve quality of life. Please visit for more information.  

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