Learn More About Supplements For Macular Degeneration

By Carol Campbell

Ideally, age-related macular degeneration also referred to as AMD is one major source of blindness to a number of people having attained the age of 55. This condition is generally untreatable but manageable. This is largely through remedies that slow down the advancement of the condition. Physicians generally recommend the use of supplements for macular degeneration.

Generally, the condition results as a person ages. Aging causes the deterioration of the tissues in the central retinal organ known as the macular. Because it is in this central region that images of objects are develop by the eyes to allow a person to see, the degenerations result in poor or low visual performance for the affected persons. The AMD condition is generally classified into two, the wet and the dry.

The dependence on supplements is deemed to slow the degeneration process around the central tissues in the retina according to research. A supplement for example, enhances the well-being of these retinal tissues and as a result blindness is deferred. Most of the supplements relied on are basically nutritional. For example, a number of formulas for such additives are composed of antioxidant and vitamins.

There are, however, various products on vitamin supplements available in the market today depending on the severity of the condition. Nevertheless, it is essential to do verification of the product before purchasing in order to ensure these products contain essential elements. A person may follow some steps for effective verification.

First, the eye vitamins supplement to be purchased should have at least seven essential and basic ingredients. This items are such as vitamin C, zinc, copper, lutein, vitamin E, zeaxanthin, and lucopene. Normally, these nutrients usually help in minimizing the progress of the macular degeneration. Lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, for example, provide protection to your central retinal tissue from being damaged by the sunlight.

Again, any vitamin supplement bought needs to contain the FloraGlo lutein. This is considered a superior and quality lutein form that guarantees better results. The other key aspect to verify is the ratio of lutein to zeaxanthin in the supplement product. In ideal situations, a good supplement for AMD condition should have lutein and zeaxanthin components in a ratio of 5:1. This is considered as the exact ratio in which these elements occur in most of their natural forms especially in the foods that we eat. For example, if a supplement contains lutein amounting to 10 mg, zeaxanthin ought to be 2mg.

Another feature to check out for when buying the supplement is beta-carotene. These supplementations should be free of this element. This element is usually labelled as vitamin A, and should be avoided since it is highly associated with increasing the risk of cancer. Also, it is important to check whether the supplement is a product of a reputable company and one that adheres to the rule of production.

Despite the preferences being given to supplements, other ways may as well be relied on that guarantee an equal experience. For instance, a healthy diet is vital. Additionally, your diet needs to be full of fruits and vegetables that usually have these nutrients occurring naturally.

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