Understanding The Practice Of Rolfing Therapy San Diego

By Amy Kennedy

In most cases, people make an appointment for a massage in order to release stress and become more relaxed. While this is the case, there are also other forms which work to treat various muscle and other conditions. In the case of rolfing therapy San Diego, the practice is considered a holistic form of medicine which is similar to massage though works on a much deeper level to reintegrate body structure.

Sometimes called "the recipe, " the therapy consists of ten sessions of body manipulation. Somewhat a cross of chiropractic services and massage, providers only need a license in massage to provide the service. Considered a blend of science and fringe medicine, it remains controversial among professionals such as medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists and skeptics.

Creator Ida Rolf bases the science behind the practice as relating to the energy field which surrounds the body as being part and parcel to the gravitational forces of the earth. As such, individuals working in this area use a combination of body manipulation and manual therapy massage. During which, it is believed the energy of the body realigns with the gravitational fields of the earth, thus providing health benefits in the process.

It should be noted that rolfing can often be painful unlike that of most types of massage, including deep tissue. For, while massage works to break down knots in the muscles, rolfing works to reconnect body tissue known as fascia. As nerves are associated with this treatment, there have been a number of clients whom have not only experienced pain but an emotional response. In some cases, the emotional response, especially when related to repressed memories, can be so painful that clients often need psychotherapy to balance out these emotions and feelings over time.

In more basic terms, the creator of this treatment often considered a pseudo science, believes the body is part and parcel to the earth. As such, by pulling the body toward that energy, there is a healing effect. While this is the case, as with many other forms of natural or holistic medicine, there remain a number of skeptics.

Most professionals providing the service believe as did the creator that the process works to battle the continuous struggle between gravity and the body. For, the force of gravity according to Rolf, shortens the fascia, the connective tissue in the body. As a result, rolfing can work to lengthen, reorganize and reconnect this tissue through deep manual therapy and body manipulation.

One lengthened, the fascia allows for better and improved movement. As during treatment, the fascia is also reorganized, the entire body is often healthier and has a stronger immune system. While this is the case, there are some individuals whom might need to continue treatment past the initial ten sessions.

Often referred to as a form of energy or bodywork, or massage, rolfing does much more for the body than any of these practices. In fact, the practice has become so well known that a number of osteopaths are now using the practice as of part of different treatment plans. Whereas, there are also a number of chiropractors whom combine adjustments, exercise therapy and rolfing when treating a number of different issues from scar tissue to bodily function.

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