Featured Video: Breath in the Time of the Coronavirus

Featured Video: Breath in the Time of the Coronavirus Bridget

by Bridget

One of my students periodically brings a copy of a newspaper article or a poem to class for me. Since class now meets on Zoom, last week he mailed me a printout of an article from The New York Times that gives some tips on breathing better and asserts that how we breathe affects us on a cellular level, so getting better at it could make us healthier and perhaps less susceptible to Covid. 

Given the various stressors many of us are experiencing during this time, with the pandemic, homeschooling, social justice unrest, fires, hurricanes, the election, etc., I thought some gentle breathing might be a good choice for us all. This video, offered by Heather Berg, entitled Breath Centered Yin Yoga, is a relaxing series of breathing exercises that is about 17 minutes long—easy to fit in before heading into your first Zoom meeting of the day or just before crawling into bed at night!

Heather Berg, E-RYT, is a former Montessori teacher who has been a yoga practitioner since 1990 when, as a college student, she took her first “Intro to Sun Salutations” at NYU. She was eclectic in her seeking of different yoga traditions over 20 plus years, but it wasn’t until training with Leslie Glickman that she was formally trained in Vinyasa Krama (detailed science of sequencing) and found her true calling. Find more videos and info on Heather's teaching here.

Find information on Bridget's current classes here (all online during the pandemic). 

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