Featured Video: Walking Tips

Featured Video: Walking Tips Bridget

by Bridget

I don't know about you, but I've been walking more since shelter-in-place took effect here in the San Francisco Bay Area in March. With few other options available—all of the yoga studios, gyms and swimming pools closed—walking has been a way to get out of the house, to see other people, and to tire my body enough that I can sleep at night. In the last seven months, I've walked a lot more than I'm used to, and I've been feeling it—sometimes a good, strong feeling and sometimes less good—a flare-up of plantar fasciitis and an unhappy knee. So I was intrigued when I saw that Hawaii-based yoga teacher Sandra Razieli focused on walking while creating a new video series for each day of October, a project entitled "Walktober". The videos range in length quite a bit (shortest is 19 seconds, longest so far is almost 12 minutes) but most of them are about 2 minutes. Sandra covers all aspects of healthy walking, including calf stretches, foot mobilization, hip strengthening, and even shoulder movement. I'm posting the first video here, but you can access Sandra's YouTube page to check out the rest of the Walktober videos. (And there's still another week of October, so she's not finished!)

(If you're reading this by email, you can click here to access the video.)

Sandra Razieli teaches yoga-based movement practices because she wants to share her knowledge and enthusiasm for how movement helps us feel better. She began her formal study of movement in 1997 during a quest to find a way to ease pain associated with scoliosis. She quickly discovered that conscious focused movement not only helped ease pain but was great training for her mind as well as inspirational for her spirit. This discovery led her to explore many movement modalities with yoga as a central focus. She teaches and practices with a whole-body approach to movement where the connections of mind, body and spirit are paramount. She applies biomechanical and neurological understandings of the body-mind connection to teach in a way that is accessible and challenging. While her teaching manner tends towards the playful, she is very serious about teaching careful alignment and physical safety. Her ultimate goal is to guide and support people to move and therefore live with a greater sense of comfort, ease, joy and freedom. You can find her teaching schedule here

Find information on Bridget's current classes here

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