Yoga for Your Life: Looking for a Venue

Yoga for Your Life: Looking for a Venue Nina Zolotow by Nina
Photo by Melina Meza
Exciting news is that I’m working on developing curriculum for a new course that Baxter and I will probably be teaching online for Shambhala in the future. For now, it’s called “Yoga for Your Life: Adapting to and Accepting Change.” To get the general idea of what this course will cover, see Yoga for Your Life.

I’m very passionate about this new course! The theme really resonates with me. And it happens that I really enjoy curriculum development. I love researching and thinking about new concepts, and coming up with creative ideas for presenting information and developing sequences to address different problems and concerns. So I'm definitely having fun working on this new curriculum, which has resulted in some wonderful posts by guest writers, such as A Hospice Nurse on Yoga for Grief, The Reality of Grief and Three Steps for Working with Anger.

But before I nail down this curriculum, I think—and I’m sure you’ll agree—that testing it out first on real people is a must. So I’m looking for a venue where I can teach this new course as a weekend workshop sometime in early 2018 (after the book comes out!). I’ll be co-teaching the workshop with Sandy Carmellini, a long-time yoga teacher who is both an Iyengar and Yoga for Healthy Aging certified teacher (and who is also the model in our book). Sandy and I are open to traveling to do this workshop. 

If you have a yoga studio and would be interested in having us teach this workshop at your studio, please contact me at:

Thank you! 

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